Friday, February 26, 2016

Help Spread the Word About Dinosaur Training!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Amazon has a brand new preview feature
for Kindle books, and it's pretty cool.

It let's anyone read the preview portion of
any book available at the Kindle store --
and you can do it on any device. You don't
need a Kindle reader.

That's pretty cool, but here's the best part.
There's a button to purchase the book --
and a button to share the preview page
on Facebook and Twitter.

And the share button already has a message,
so all you need to do it hit SHARE, hit the
Facebook icon, and then hit send.

If you use Twitter, you can do the very same
thing, except you select the Twitter icon.

Of course, you can send a message of your
own, as well. Just be sure it includes the link
to the preview page.

We've set up a special page at the Dinosaur
Training site to test the new preview feature,
using our first Kindle book -- Dinosaur Training
Secrets, Vol. 1.

Here's the link -- head on over and take a
look -- and please share the link on Facebook
and Twitter:

By the way, there's a great photo of John
Grimek in the preview pages -- showing
him at about age 40 or 41. I think he
looks pretty good -- but send an email
and tell me what you think. And yes,
what you see in this photo is 100%
drug-free, all-natural muscle -- built
with old school training and old-school

Of course, if you don't have a copy of Dinosaur
Training Secrets, Vol. 1, you should grab it
now. It's available in your choice of Kindle,
hard-copy or PDF:

Kindle edition


PDF with electronic delivery

If you buy the Kindle edition -- or if you've
already bought it -- go ahead and post a
review on our Kindle page. We have 66
reviews so far, and I'd like to see us get
to 100 as fast as we can.

Also, please read and rank the reviews
if you have a chance. This helps our
ranking on Amazon, and it helps newbies
figure out that they need to do Dinosaur
Training instead of the muscle magazine
silliness that they're probably doing.

Thanks for helping me spread the word
about Dinosaur Training and old-school
methods of building strength, muscle
and power!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again for the new preview

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day: "If you have a
barbell, you have something pretty good. If
you know how to use it, you have something
even better." -- Brooks Kubik
