Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Danger Zone -- On Physical Culture Radio!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let's cover some important news and
updates for Dinos.

1. The Danger Zone -- On Physical
Culture Radio

Earlier in the week I talked about staying
out of the Danger Zone -- meaning the
place where you increase your volume
and/or intensity to the point where you
risk over-training or injury.

If you missed it, go here to read it at the
Dinosaur Training Blog:

We're going to go into more detail on this
important topic on today's episode of
Physical Culture Radio. Be sure to
listen to the live show at 12:00 noon
today (Eastern Time), or listen to the
download at your convenience.

Physical Culture Radio is part of the
SuperHuman Radio Network, and you
can find it right here:

This is going to be a terrific show. I'm
really looking forward to it.

2. The Dinosaur Files

The Dinosaur Files is back as a monthly
training magazine, available in PDF with
immediate electronic delivery. It's a great
little magazine, and if you're a Dino,
you're definitely going to want every

And the PDF delivery feature saves you
a ton on shipping and handling -- especially
for our international Dinos.

Go here to grab them:

February 2016 Dinosaur Files

January 2016 Dinosaur Files

December 2015 Dinosaur Files

3. Retro Lifting in the Dino Dungeon

I shared a fun video of some retro lifting
in the Dinosaur Dungeon on Instagram
the other day. 

It's me, doing some old-school, split style
snatches out in the garage.

Go here to see it -- along with lots of other
fun photos and videos:

I add new material every day, so be sure
to follow me so you don't miss anything.

4. Hit the Refresh Button!

We've added Dinosaur Arm Training to our
PDF products. To grab the little monster --
or to see all of our PDF courses -- go to the
products page at my website and hit the
refresh button:

5. More Instagram Fun!

John Wood has joined Instagram, and he's
putting up some great photos. You can find
him right here:

There's a lot of fun stuff you've never seen
before -- like the funky looking wooden board
thingie. I have no idea what it's for -- do you?

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
