Monday, March 14, 2016

Rare Strength Training Books and Magazines

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I want to update you on something new and
exciting for the Dino Nation - a very rare,
literally once in a lifetime opportunity to
grab rare books, courses and magazines
from the grand and glorious Golden Age of

And more than that, the books, courses and
magazines will be from my personal strength
training library right here at Dinosaur

Here's what I'm going to do - and why I'm
going to do it.

As long time readers know, my dad passed
away in April of last year.

Dad was a huge book lover and collected
books for his entire life. Our house had row
after row of homemade wooden book shelves
in every room, all of them crammed with
dad's books.

He moved them from house to house for
more than 70 years.

He loved his books. He read them all, many
of them many times. They were his prized
possessions, and his very best friends.

Now he's gone, and my brother and I are
struggling to find good homes for his old

We can keep some of them, but we can't
keep all of them. We just don't have enough
room for them.

That's what happens. People have collections
that are very dear to them - but they die, and
everything ends up in an estate sale.

Or you have family members struggling to
do something with their loved one's collection.

And that got me thinking.

I have hundreds of different items in my
research library. Currently, it takes up
about 12 book cases here at Dino

And I have multiple copies of many items.
That's fine, but I only need one copy of
any particular book, course or magazine
to do my research.

And as I thought about it, I decided that
those dupllcate items needed a new home.
After all, there are plenty of Dinos out
there who have never seen them - and
who would love to add them to THEIR
strength libraries.

So I talked it over with Trudi, and we
decided to roll up our sleeves and do
something about it.

We're going to start selling duplicate items
from my library on eBay. That will give all
Dinos all around the world an equal chance
of grabbing at least one item.

I'll include a letter or certificate with every
item to confirm it's authenticity - meaning
that it came from the world famous, one
and only, Dinosaur Research Library.


Our eBay store is not ready yet, so don't
run over and start looking for it.

We're going to try to get things going later
this week or early next week - and as soon
as we do, I'll send an email and let you
know what's up.

I'll also post a photo of everything we offer
on my Facebook page, my Twitter feed, and
my Instagram page. So if you want to get
immediate notice of what's available - and
to see a photo of it - friend me on Facebook,
follow me on Twitter and follow me on

Those three sources will get the info to
you even faster than my daily emails.

I'm on Facebook at Brooks Kubik.

I'm on Twitter at #brookskubik and at

And here's the link to follow me on

In addition to offering old books, courses and
magazines, I'm going to be offering some
other unique items - and some fun Iron
Game memorabilia. Maybe even some
old equipment from the Dino Dungeon.

Anyhow, it will be lots of fun - and a great
opportunity to put your hands on some
terrific sources of old-school training

I'm looking forward to it - and I hope that
you are, as well.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
