Thursday, March 31, 2016

Take Peek Inside the March Dinosaur Files!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Many of you have asked me to list the
Table of Contents for this month's issue
of the Dinosaur Files - so here it is:

Hail to the Dinosaurs!
by Brooks Kubik

My monthly editorial. This one talks about
old-school powerhouse William Boone.

Mesozoic Mail

Letters from the Dinos. The one about the
pre-workout that failed will make you stop
and think.

Jurassic Jottings
by Brooks Kubik

Short nuggets about strongmen old and new.
Good stuff - and totally unlike anything you'll
see anywhere else. Trudi particularly liked the
story of the legendary "Iron Tenor." (Me, I
liked the ones about John Davis and Norb

Bob Hoffman's Best Dumbbell Training

by Brooks Kubik

This one goes all the way back to 1934.
It's pretty interesting - and well worth
trying. And get this - it was reported in
Strength and health magazine, and then
it appears to have been forgotten. I've
never seen it discussed anywhere else.
I was glad to be able to bring it back for
the Dinos.

The Hard Work and Heavy Iron
by Paul Hanks

Hint - it's not the Selfie Generation.

The Road Less Travelled
by Allan Roth

You don't find many people who train the
way we do - but somehow, that just adds
to the fun!

Heavy Squats Healed My Knee Injury!
by Dalton Hartley

Note: Rugby player blows out his knee,
doctor says no more anything, rugby
player starts doing squats, squats heal
his knee injury. Impressive stuff - straight
from the trenches.

Training Ideas from a 43-Year Old Dino
by Christian Lombardo

Training ideas straight from the Iron Mines.
More real world stuff - and more stuff that
really works.

Things I've Seen and Learned Over
the Years
by Bob Tabaka

This one covers all sorts of things, from
Casey Viator's workouts in DeLand Florida
to old-school advice from John Grimek and
Clyde Emrich.

Minimalism at Its Best
By John Granhill

Home gym training with minimal equipment.
John has some favorite exercises he wants
you to try.

Safe and Effective Lower Body Training for
Older Dinos - No One Size Fits All! (Part 3)
by Brooks Kubik

This continues our series, and it's got a
ton of great info. I cover my own lower body
training as a 59-year old weightlifter, and I
also talk about three very important topics
that relate to lower body strength and health
as we grow older: stretching, cardio and
uni-lateral exercises. Do they help or hurt
older Dinos? You'll definitely want to read
this one - and yes, it could end up saving
your knees and hips.

Note: If you missed parts 1 and 2 of the series,
grab the January and February issues of the
Dino Files.

The Wrap-Up
by Brooks Kubik

Some thoughts about losing a friend and
longtime Dino - and about something
important that I want all of you to do.

So there you have it. Tons of real world,
no-nonsense training information, with
plenty of tips, advice and suggestions
from your fellow Dinosaurs.

Go here to grab your copy:

And please let me know how you like this
month's issue, and what we can do to make
the Dino Files even better for you!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
