Monday, April 18, 2016

A Question About Bottom Position Squats

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes and then we'll talk training.

1. The March Dino Files

Here's the link to grab the March issue of
the Dinosaur Files - which has been getting
great reviews from Dinos around the world:

2. Knife, Fork, Muscle

I've had a number of questions from new
Dinos about diet and nutrition. I don't think
they know that I cover these topics in detail
in Knife, Fork, Muscle - so I'm including the
link so they can check it out now:

3. A Question about Bottom Position Squats

I got an email from a reader who read about
power rack training and bottom position squats
in Dinosaur Training and Strength, Muscle and
Power, and gave them a try.

He said he couldn't believe how tough they
were - and how weak he was when he started
his squat from the bottom position.

Of course, that's good, because it shows that
he has plenty of room for improvement - and
that he'll be making steady progress for a long
time with his bottom position training.

He also mentioned that his 11-year old son is
going to start training, and he wondered if he,
too, should do bottom position squats.

The answer is a resounding NO!

Bottom position squats are a specialized training
method for advanced trainees.

They're NOT for beginners.

The same is true for any kind of power rack

Beginners will do fine on a basic training program,
using the basic exercises and following a simple
progression system.

Power rack training only works if you know how
to perform your exercises in absolutely perfect
form - and if you have strengthened your bones,
tendons, ligaments and muscles so they can
handle the heavy demands that power rack
training imposes on the body.

When you're ready for it, it's great - but don't
start with it. Save it for later.

Remember, there's a time and a place for
everything - and that includes bottom position
squats and other forms of power rack training!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I cover training programs for beginners in
Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1 and Vol. 3.

You can grab them in your choice of hard copy,
Kindle edition or PDF with immediate electronic
download. Go to our products page for the links
to you preferred format:

P.S. 2. I also cover training programs for beginners
in Chalk and Sweat:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Use training
methods that are appropriate for your
current level of strength and development,
and progress to harder and more demanding
workouts as you grow stronger."
- Brooks Kubik
