Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How Do You Like the New PDF Dinosaur Files?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

As you may know, we've switched
from a hardcopy version of the
Dinosaur Files monthly newsletter
to a PDF version.

You buy it, and you get a link that
allows you to download the issue
imemdiately. After that, you can
save it or print it out.

We made the change because the
cost of postage is going sky-high,
especially for our overseas readers.

So PDF lets us keep the price of
each issue pretty low - as in, not
much more than a fancy cup of

So far, we've had very positive
feedback on the PDF Dino Files.

If you haven't given them a try,
please do. I think you'll be very
pleasantly surprised.

If you HAVE tried them, please let
me know how you like them - and
how the PDF delivery has worked
for you.


Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can grab The PDF Dino Files
right here:

December (Sig Klein on the cover)

January (Eugene Sandow on the cover)

February (Robert Ruckstool on the cover)

March (old-school outdoor lifting with a Flintstone
barbell on the cover)
