Monday, April 25, 2016

Reg Park's First Three Gyms

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk

1. Dinosaur Radio

John Wood and I are doing a little podcast
called Dinosaur Radio. The first episode
covers the March issue of The Dinosaur
Files. You can find it here:

We'll do more of these, and I'll post the
links as we do them. Hope you enjoy the
first episode - shoot me an email and
let me know how you like it!

2. The April Dinosaur Files

We're finishing up the April issue of the
Dinosaur Files newsletter. Be looking for
it soon! It's another great issue, with tons
of great training tips - including some very
important advice for older Dinos.

3. Reg Park's First Three Gyms

Last week we revealed the Mystery Man.
It was Reg Park - the famous three-time
Mr. Universe who played Hercules in the
movies and who was the strongest and
most massively muscular bodybuilder
in the world in the 1950's.

A number of you guessed who it was -
but the FIRST person to get the correct
answer was Tom Whittingham.

Congratulations, Tom! You win a free
copy of Legacy of Iron. Shoot me an
email with your mailing address and
we'll get it on out to you.

But back to Reg Park.

Do you know where Park trained when
he was building his world-famous

Get this . . .

Park started training with a friend who
somehow or other had a barbell set.

They trained in a neighbor's house, in
a room with a bare, wooden floor. They
felt lucky because they didn't have to
train outside!

I don't know who the neighbor was,
but he or she deserves a place in
Iron Game history.

That was Reg Park's first gym: a barbell
set and a room to use it in.

Park then spent a few years in the Army,
and had almost no training time at all.
There were no weights in the military
back then.

After he got out of the Army, Park trained
in the backyard of his parents' house. He
used a homemade chinning bar and a
second hand barbell set. He kept the
barbell under a tarp to keep it dry.

Park trained outdoors in the winter -
sometimes wearing three sweat suits
to stay warm!

And that was Reg Park's second gym.

Gradually, Park assembled a little more
equipment: a fixed incline bench, a flat
bench, squat stands, and a plate-loading
lat machine.

He eventually moved all of it into a one
car garage located behind a shopping

And that was Reg Park's third gym.

None of those gyms were very fancy.
None of them had much in the way of
equipment. In fact, they were downright

And yet, those three humble gyms helped
build the greatest bodybuilder of his era.

There's a lesson here - and it's pretty
obvious what it is!

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. For more inspiring stories about the
old-time champions - and for more details
on how to get it done with old-school training
methods and basic equipment, grab this:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "A great gym
doesn't have to be fancy and it doesn't
need a lot of equipment." - Brooks Kubik
