Tuesday, June 28, 2016

10 Lessons from the Iron Mines

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note and then we'll talk iron.

1. The May-June Dinosaur Files

We did a combination issue this time, so
it's a bit bigger than usual - and it's got
some great articles.

Go here to grab the little monster. You'll
want to read it before the July issue
comes out - which won't be long!


Shoot me an email and let me know
how you like this issue - and what
you'd like to see in future issues!

2. Lessons from the Iron Mines

I had a great workout the other day. At
age soon to be 59, the workouts seem to
be more fun all the time.

That got me thinking -- and I thought:

"Everything worth knowing in life I learned
on a wrestling mat or from a barbell."

Or at least it seems that way.

So here are 10 lessons I learned in the
Iron Mines. See if you learned the same

1. It's best to start young, but the important
thing is to start -- whatever your age.

2. If you fall off your bicycle, get right back
on it and start pedaling again.

3. The hardest exercises are the most
productive ones.

4. It's not easy, and that's okay. In fact,
it's a good thing.

5. Make a plan and stick to it. Don't second
guess yourself into inertia.

6. Life is movement -- and the better the
movement, the better your life.

7. You build strength and muscle by what you
do, not by what you think about doing.

a. That one's important. Go back and reread

8. You can't buy strength and health. You
can only earn them.

a. That one's also important.

9. The barbell doesn't lift itself.

10. If you enjoy art, practice the art of strength
training. If you enjoy science, practice the science
of strength training. The important thing is to
practice strength training.

And, for a special bonus, two more:

11. Squats are zen.

12. So are deadlifts, presses, pulls, and every
other exercise you do.

As always, thanks for reading, and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My LOST ARTICLES are back. Go here to
grab them:



Kindle e-book


P.S. My other books and courses -- and links
to our e-books on Kindle -- and our Dinosaur
DVD's -- and my PDF courses -- are right here:


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "When the iron
speaks, a wise man listens." - Brooks Kubik
