Friday, June 10, 2016

Here's What You'll Find in the May-June Dinosaur Files!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We just put up the PDF edition of the
May-June issue of The Dinosaur Files.

Here's the link for the PDF edition:

If you prefer Kindle, here's the link
to the Kindle edition:

It's about 20% longer than previous
issues, and it has a ton of great articles.

Here's the complete Table of Contents:

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

  by Brooks Kubik

Mesozoic Mail
   by the Dinosaurs

Jurassic Jottings
    by Brooks Kubik

What We Can Learn from America’s
Strongest Man
    by Brooks Kubik

How to Build Strength and Muscle Fast!
      by Brooks Kubik

 My Summer Training Program
        by Clifford M. Levy., M.D.

 The Three-One Training System
       by Peter Jensen

The Magic of Solo Training
      by Allan Roth

 Your 30-Day Challenge
     by Brooks Kubik

 The Importance of Strength
       by Steve Woolsey

The Dinosaur Kitchen
        by Brooks Kubik

How to Combine Bodybuilding and
Strength Training
         by Brooks Kubik

 Book Review: Old But Strong
         by Brooks Kubik

 The Wrap-Up
       by Brooks Kubik

As you can see, this is a BIG issue -
with tons of information. Several
readers have said it's the best issue
ever - and they may right!

Let me know how you like the little

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
