Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Dino Files Feedback

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Here's the first feedback we received
on the July issue of The Dinosaur Files:


Thank you for another great issue of the
Dino Files. As much as I try to make it
last, I read the entire edition as soon
as it's downloaded.

I really enjoyed the interview with Peary

It's great to hear what other Dinos are
doing. Peter Yates and his power rack

John Grahill and how he uses those
complexes to train - which made me
think of your PHA programs in Gray
Hair and Black Iron. I keep thinking
about trying that. My dad trained that
way later in life.

Allan Roth is always great to read. There's
no cover up - his writings come from the

Thanks again for the great work. If you
have any ideas or thoughts on another
article I could contribute to the Dino Files,
please let me know.

My training is good. No major breakthroughs
or road blocks.


Clifford M. Levy MD

Cliff - Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad
you are enjoying the Dino Files. I agree
with you about this issue and the great
articles contributed by the other Dinos.
I really enjoyed them, and I know others
will enjoy them as well.

I'll send you a separate email with ideas
for future articles

To everyone else - go here to grab this
month's Dino Filers in PDF format:

We'll get the Kindle edition formatted and
load it up in Amazon's Kindle bookstore as
soon as we can. I'll send an email when it's

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again for the July issue
of The Dinosaur Files:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You can play
the Pokemon thing, or you can do squats.
It's your choice." - Brooks Kubik
