Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Big Adventure!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In an earlier email I mentioned
that I was going to be posting
a lot of photos on Instagram -
and that they were going to
cover a big adventure.

If you've been reading the
Dinosaur Files newsletter
this year, then you know
what I'm talking about.

I've been covering it in the
newsletter - but keeping it
quiet otherwise.

Anyhow, here's the short

Trudi and I have done what
many folks our age do.

We've sold our big, old house
and downsized.

We're living about five blocks
away from the old place - in a
great little two-bedroom
apartment. It's the top floor
or an old house, so it feels a
lot like the old place.

I have a new office for all of
my writing, with bookshelves
everywhere - filled to bursting
with old books and magazines.

Trudi loves it. After 20 years in
a five-bedroom house, this feels
like a vacation to her.

The only bad part is this -- we
don't have any room for my
weights. So I moved them into
an old-school, black iron dungeon
gym a couple of blocks away, and
I'm training there.

I even moved my old lifting
platform into the gym -- so
I'm able to hit those snatches
and clean and jerks as much
as I want.

After so many years training in my
basement gym, and then in my
garage gym, this is a big change.

I'll write about it in future emails.
There's a lot that you can learn
(some good and some bad) by
watching what happens in a
commercial gym, even an old-
fashioned one with real iron.

Anyhow, I took a ton of photos of
the old place, the old office, and the
old gym -- meaning the Dino Dungeon
in the garage -- and photos of the day
we moved the iron to the gym -- and
lots of other photos covering different
parts of the journey.

I'll start posting them today -- so be
sure to check them out.

You can find me on Instagram at:

You also can follow me on Facebook
and Twitter.

Anyhow, be sure to check out the
photos of the big adventure -- and
hit the LIKE button, and share the
photos, and leave comments.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. The July issue of The Dinosaur Files
will be out very soon. In the meantime,
you can grab any back issues you may
have missed by going to these links:

May-June issue (with PDF and Kindle links)

April Issue

PDF edition

Kindle edition

The December 2016 to March 2015 issues
are available in PDF editions at our Products
Page - look under the section for PDF products:

P.S. 2. Remember what I said about hitting the
LIKE button, and sharing photos -- and about
leaving comments. It all helps to spread the
word about sane, sensible and effective
strength training and muscle building.
