Monday, August 29, 2016

A Message for the Forgotten Men

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Before we talk about The Forgotten Men, let
me give a great big THANK YOU to everyone
who has been reading and enjoying the new
monthly Dinosaur Files training journal.

We're running late on the August issue, but
it will be out very soon - and it's a heck of
an issue.

If you missed any of the earlier issues from
Dec 2015 to July 2016, they're available in
PDF format at our products page - under
the section for PDF products:

On the training front, Peary Rader coined the
term I'm using in today's email message.

He believed that older trainees -- which meant
anyone over the age of 35 or 40 back in the
day -- were "the Forgotten Men."

By that, he meant that the muscle magazines
catered primarily to younger trainees -- men in
their teens or twenties -- and weren't interested
in addressing the needs of older trainees.

By and large, that was true -- and by and large,
it's true today.

To the degree that it's changing, it's changing
because the pharmaceutical and supplement
industries have targeted older trainees.

So we're starting to see more of an emphasis
on selling Youth in a Pill than ever before.
Older trainees are urged to use HRT, roidskies,
gray-market supplements, and everything else
they can find to stay cut, jacked, swole, buff,
pumped, and awesome looking.

Of course, that still ignores the two most important
things that older trainees need in order to maintain
lifelong strength and health:

1. Sensible exercise,


2. Sensible diet and nutrition.

You can use all the pills, powders, patches and
potions in the world -- but if you're not training
and eating the right way, they're not going to do
very much for you.

And on the flip side of the coin, if you DO train
the right way -- with challenging but age-appropriate
workouts -- and if you DO eat the right way (with an
emphasis on high quality protein, healthy fats and lots
and lots of fresh veggies) -- you probably are NOT
going to be a very good target for the supplement
companies and the pharmaceutical industry.

You just won't need the stuff they're peddling.

When John Grimek was in his 50's, 60's and 70's,
he didn't train the way he did when he was in his
20's or 30's -- but he was squatting 400 pounds or
more for sets of 10 to 15 reps and handling 100
pound dumbbells in the alternate dumbbell press.

That shows you what you can accomplish when you
keep on training for your entire life.

And one final (and I hope, encouraging) note. I'm
closing in on age 60, and I'm having more FUN in
my workouts than ever before.

That may be because I don't have as many of them
left as I did when I was getting started 50 years ago,
so I try to make the most out of each workout.

Or may just be that my lifelong love affair with the
Iron is burning as hot as ever.

I don't know. But I do know this. Training on the
sunny side of 50 is a heck of a lot of fun -- and it
sure does make you feel good!

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron covers sensible
and effective training for older Dinos:

P.S. 2 I cover diet and nutrition for older trainees
(and trainees of all ages) in Knife, Fork, Muscle:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "You can't stay young
forever, but you can stay strong, fit and healthy for
a long, long time." -- Brooks Kubik
