Monday, September 19, 2016

Have You Read the New Dinosaur Files?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Have you read the August-September
issue of The Dinosaur Files?

Ten days ago we released the little
monster in PDF format - and we've
been getting great reviews ever since.

That's not surprising, because the
Dinosaur Files is your no. 1 resource
for real-world, no-nonsense strength
training - and this issue is crammed
full of great articles!

Here's a link that gives you the complete
table of contents, with everything to see
in this Dino-sized issue:

And here's the link to order the little
monster in PDF format:

We're also going to do a Kindle edition,
but that isn't ready yet. I'll send a link
as soon as it is. My apologies to Kindle
fans - we have to format each issue
for PDF and then format it again for
Kindle, so it's hard to release both
editions at the same time.

In any case, this is a great issue. Be sure
to grab a copy. I know you'll enjoy it.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
