Saturday, September 10, 2016

Take a Look Inside the August-September Dino Files!


Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It’s here - the August-September issue of the Dinosaur Files!  (We ran late on the August issue, so this is a combined issue for both months.)

It’s another terrific issue – with tons of real world, no-nonsense training advice, iron game history, and plenty of Dino-sized motivation and inspiration.

Check out the Table of Contents:



Hail to the Dinosaurs!        
            by Brooks Kubik

This month’s editorial begins with a training report from a 42-year old Dino who’s been doing something a little different, and has been making great gains with it – in fact, his massage therapist couldn’t believe the improvement.

Now, I’d like to tell you that this was the result of the latest monster muscle-mass workout where you train six days a week for ten hours a day, do 17 exercises for every body-part, and bomb, blast and blitz to the max. 

But it’s a little bit different than that – and a heck of a lot more effective. 

Mesozoic Mail
            by The Dinosaurs

Feedback and training questions from your fellow Dinosaurs, with my responses, including: Thanks for another great issue – Have fun at the new gym – A bodyweight training question – A Dinosaur moving story – A power rack training question – Back to the gym (and it feels great) – How do you know you’re a Dinosaur?

Jurassic Jottings
            by Brooks Kubik

A wide-ranging series of short notes covering training tips, workouts, questions and answers, diet and nutrition, lifting records, feats of strength, classic stories of the Iron game’s greatest heroes, and much more, including: Thanks for making the Dino Files no. 1 on Kindle – John Davis’ favorite five for strength and power – Another kind of 400-pound club – The birth of powerlifting – Some serious pressing power – the supplement question – the best three exercisers for older trainees – Schemansky’s power cleans – the kneeling clean – Another old-school powerhouse – Your optimum bodyweight – Can you match this? – Harry Paschall, Mal Whitfield and the pumpkin heads – Don’t mess with Miss Singapore! – An update on Ireland’s strongest man – Old school training for real results – Training advice from John Grimek – Stone lifting in Scotland, Round 3!

What a Difference a Day Makes!
            by Allan Roth

How an older Dino deals with good days and bad days, and how he modifies his warm-ups and tweaks his training program for pain-free training and steady gains.

An Effective Training Program for a 47-Year Old Dino 
            by Dane Thomas

A 47-year old trainee returns to the low volume, ultra-abbreviated training program that brought him the best results of his life.

Things We Wish We Had Known When We Were Younger
            by the Dinos

Older Dinos share training wisdom they learned the hard way – by trial and error, and by making mistakes.  A great guide for younger Dinos.  Why waste years of your training career when you can start out the right way and make continuous, injury-free progress?

Seven Ways to Smash Through a Sticking Point!
            by Brooks Kubik

How to smash through sticking points and seemingly impossible barreiers – a detailed, real-world guide with plenty of “from the trenches” advice.  Is it easy? No. Is it possible? Yes, it is.

Answers to Your Training Questions
            by Brooks Kubik

This issue’s question and answer column covers two popular topics: front squat tips for an older Dino, and how to put together an outdoor training program that includes plenty of carrying, pulling, pushing, lugging, loading and dragging heavy stuff – with special advice on how to make your outdoor training progressive.

How to Bulletproof Your Shoulders
            by the Dinos

Shoulder injuries limit trainees of all ages, and the best advice for how to avoid them – and what to do if they happen – or how to train effectively when you have a shoulder problem – comes from your fellow Dinosaurs.  This article could save you plenty of pain and heartbreak.

Training Progression Simplified (Part 1)
            by Brooks Kubik

A detailed review of effective training for beginners, with step by step instruction on putting your program together and following a simple but effective progression system.  

My Experience with 20-Rep Breathing Squats
            by Robert Degen

Many believe the 20-rep breathing squat is the most effective exercise there is – but many have tried it and failed to gain.  There’s a reason for that, and a way around it.  This article teaches you a new and result-producing twist on a time-honored training system.  (Warning: do not read this article unless it’s okay to grow out of your current wardrobe.)

Dumbbells and Deadlifts for Great Gains
            by John Grahill

How basic exercises and simple programing helped one Dino build strength and muscle mass while losing unwanted fat – without long and boring cardio sessions, without dieting, and without drugs or super supplements.

A Forgotten Strongman
            by Brooks Kubik

The life and death of one of the strongest men of his generation – and he’s a man you never even heard of.  A tribute to one of our fallen.

The Wrap-Up
            by Brooks Kubik

I close up this issue by comparing two types of training, one good, and one not so good.  See if you can tell which one of the two I like – and see if you agree!

The August-September issue of The Dinosaur Files is available in your choice of PDF with immediate electronic download or as Kindle e-book.  The PDF is ready to order - the Kindle edition is not ready yet, but we'll get it up as fast as we can.

IMPORTANT: When you order the PDF version of The Dinosaur Files, you will receive a download link after you complete your order through the on-line shopping cart button above.  Be sure to save the download link to your computer as soon as you get it.
