Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Why Feedback from Your Fellow Dinos Is So Important for You

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note and then we'll talk iron.

1. Top 10 Again!

The Kindle edition of the Aug-Sept issue
of The Dinosaur Files did something pretty
awesome yesterday.

The little monster shot up into THREE top
10 lists in the Kindle bookstore.

At one point, it was no. 2 on one list, no.
5 on another and no. 9 on a third.

That's pretty good when you consider all
the titles available on Kindle - and the fact
that we're talking about a strength training
journal that focuses 100% on old-school,
no-nonsense, no-bull training.

A big thank you to everyone who made it

If you haven't grabbed the little monster
yet, here are the links:

Kindle edition

PDF edition

If you order the Kindle edition, please give
us a rating (hopefully 5 stars), and leave a
brief review on our Kindle page. They really

And as always, shoot me an email and let
me know how you like this issue.

2. Reader Feedback and Why It's So
Important for You.

I've been running a lot of emails with
feedback from other Dinos, and they've
been a big hit.

For example, here's an email that just
landed in the Dino mail-box:


Just wanted to let you know I loved the
emails regardiing other Dinos who wrote
about their workouts (e.g., Mr. Alcorn).

For some reason, they were very motivating
in me switching from a split routine to a
Dino routine.

I have your book, Gray Hair and Black Iron,
which I love.

I've always been afraid to switch, thinking
I'm not doing enough.

I'm 56, and I'm convinced that shorter,
abbreviated routines will be much more
beneficial to my health.

Thanks plenty.

Glenn M.

Thanks for your email, Glenn. I've rec'd a number
of similar emails over the past week.

Feedback from other trainees is CRITICAL to your
training success.

There are several reasons for this, including:

1. It's much more inspiring to get feedback from a
real person than to get a ghost-written article or ad
copy about some supposed "Champion" and how he
(supposedly) trains.

a. The "Champion" has genetic advantages that the
rest of us don't.

b. The "Champion" often uses drugs, and we don't.

c. If we're an older trainee, we need to know what
older trainees are doing, not what the young bucks
are doing.

2. We need to hear what works in the real world - for
trainees who (like us) work for a living, go to school
(or both), and have to balance their training with many
other responsibilities.

3. There is no one way to train - and the more we read
about sensible and intelligent variations of Dino-style,
old-school training, the better and more effective our
own training will be.

4. Reports from other Dinos make us think, "If he can
do it, SO CAN I!"

a. That kind of thinking is incredibly powerful.

5. If we read about our fellow Dinos, we focus on
sane, sensible, effective, progressive strength
training - and not on the silly stuff.

a. There's a lot of silly stuff out there, and it's
important to fill your mind with strong counter-

6. Your fellow Dinos know what they're doing -
and they have great workouts and terrific
training tips to share with you.

a. Including advice you won't find anywhere

7. Your fellow Dinosaurs are your friends -
and it's good to know what your friends are

Anyhow, I'm glad you've switched over to
abbreviated workouts. Keep me - and your
fellow Dinos - posted on your progress.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. One of the reasons I publish the Dinosaur
Files is to have a forum to share longer and
more detailed training reports, workouts and
feedback from your fellow Dinosaurs. That's
part of what makes the Dino Files so special -
and so valuable. Be sure to read them:

Kindle edition

PDF edition

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Every Dino is
an inspiration to someone." - Brooks Kubik
