Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Give Me Your Top Three!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Unless you've been living under a rock
in Outer Congolia, you know that the
October issue of The Dinosaur Files is
now available in PDF format - and you
know that it's available right here at
Dino Headquarters:

Many of you have already grabbed
this issue - and many more will grab
it later today or tonight.

So let me ask those of you who read
the Files to take a minute and do me
a quick favor - something that will
help us make future issues of the
Dino Files even better.

Here's what I want you to do:

Send me an email and give me your
three favorite articles or takeaways
from this month's issue.

To make it easy for you, here's a
list of the articles - so you can cut
and paste the list and rate your
three favorites:

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Mesozoic Mail

Jurassic Jottings

Is Heavy Lifting Bad for Your Eyes?

A Different Kind of Ultra-Abbreviated

Answers to Your Training Questions

Bench Pressing and Shoulder Health

How to Do It All With Two Workouts
a Week

The Viking Stonelifting Tour 2016
(Part 1)

Training Progression Simplified (Part 2)

Goals, Destinations and Journeys

The Wrap-Up

As I said, this will help me decide what to
include in future issues.

Thanks for your feedback - it's very important
to us!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's the link again for the October
issue of The Dinosaur Files in PDF format:

P.S. 2. We'll get the Kindle edition formatted
and release it as soon as we can! I'll send an
email with a link when it's ready.
