Friday, November 11, 2016

The Simplest Weightlifting Workout Ever!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Three quick notes, and then we'll talk

1. The October Dinosaur Files

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4. The Simplest Weightlifting Workout in
the World!

For the past couple of weeks, I've been
following the simplest weightliftng workout
in the world -- and having lots of fun with it --
and getting stronger and faster all the time.

It's a workout that Mike Burgener recommends
for Master's weightlifters -- which is me, at
close to 60 years of age. (Close meaning just
50 days away in weightlifting years.)

You can use it with power style lifts, split
style lifts or squat style lifts.

I switched back to split style lifts last month,
so that's what I've been using.

I begin with 10 minutes of stretching and
loosening up. That always includes some work
with Indian clubs. They're great for your upper
back and shoulders. Get them from John Wood:

Next, I do 6 to 8 progressively heavier singles
in the snatch. I work up to a weight that is
heavy but not my absolute max. If you
like to use percentages, maybe 92 to 95
percent of my true max.

I'm obsessive about doing these in good form.
I video tape my lifts, and I watch the video
after every lift. I always try for better and
smoother form. The goal is to make every
lift perfect.

Next, I do 6 to 8 progressively heavier singles
in the clean and jerk. Once again, I work up
to a weight that is heavy but not my actual
max. And I focus on perfect form on every

So that makes a total of 12 to 16 lifts.

And that's it.

After the clean and jerk, I call in the dogs,
put out the fire, unload the bar, put away
the plates and grab some some serious,
Dino style post-workout nutrition -- a/k/a
meat and veggies.

The entire workout takes about 45 to 60
minutes from start to finish.

It's a good program, and a fun one. Give
it a try!

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We have some terrific training courses
available in your choice of hard-copy, PDF
or Kindle editions. I'll give you the Kindle
and hard-copy links below - for the PDF
editions, go to our products page and look
for the section of PDF courses.

1. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1.
"Exercises, Workouts and Training

Kindle edition:


2. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 2,
"How Strong Are You?"

Kindle edition:


c. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 3,
"How to Use Old-School Progression
Methods for Fast and Steady Gains in
Strength, Muscle and Power"


P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Keep it simple,
work hard, and have fun." -- Brooks Kubik
