Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Three Quick Notes for Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I have three quick notes for you.

1. The October Dinosaur Files

The October issue of The Dinosaur
Files is available in your choice of
Kindle or PDF:

Oct Dino Files on Kindle


Oct Dino Files in PDF format


The little monster has been getting
great reviews, so let me know how
you like this issue!

2. Stand on Your Feet Training

We talked about the importance
of stand on your feet training in an
earlier email today.

Here's a great course that covers
stand on your feet strength and
how to build it:


It's also available in Kindle and PDF
editions. See our products page for
the Kindle and PDF links:


3. John Wood's Iron League

Have you seen the latest updates and
additions at John Wood's Iron League
membership site?

Go here to check it out:


One of our longtime Dinos calls The
Iron League "the Library of Congress
of Strength" - and that sums it up
pretty darn well.

More tomorrow - we have an important
tip on speed development for you.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik
