Friday, December 16, 2016

The Ticking Clock

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We got a Christmas tree the other
day - because Christmas is right
around the corner.

I'm going to a Christmas party
today - because Christmas is right
around the corner.

Trudi is finishing up her Christmas
shopping today - because, well, you
know why.

I'm hitting the iron hard and heavy
tomorrow - doing a snatch workout -
not because Christmas is right around
the corner, but because it's my training
day and snatches are on the schedule.

The point is - Christmas is right
around the corner.

So help us out by getting those
orders in - so we can pack them
up and get them out in the mail.

We want to make sure they get
there in time for the big day.

Because Christmas is right around
the corner.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. My Legacy of Iron books make
great Christmas presents, especially
for younger Dinos who are starting
out in the Iron Game and who could
benefit from learning its amazing
and inspiring history.

They're also good for older Dinos
who enjoy reading about the way
things were back in the good old
days of hard work and heavy iron.

Go here to grab them:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses
are right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day. "The best
gift is the gift of lifelong strength and
health." -- Brooks Kubik
