Friday, January 6, 2017

Attn Dinos - What Do You Want to See?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

On the weather front, things are a giant
ice-box throughout much of the USA - so
I hope you're staying warm and dry and

Be sure to bundle up - and remember,
layers are your friend!

On the Dino front, I'm working on the Jan
issue of The Dino Files - and as soon as I'm
finished, I'll start on the Feb issue.

Which brings me to an important question.

What would you like to see in the next issue of
The Dinosaur Files -- or in my next Dinosaur
Training course?

Are there any famous strongmen, weightlifters
or bodybuilders of the past that you'd like me
to cover?

Is there something training-related that you've
been wondering about?

A particular training method?

A particular tool or piece of equipment?

Are you looking for something on diet
and nutrition?

Would you like to know what the old-time
champions ate?

Do you want to see something for older
Dinos -- or for younger Dinos?

For beginners -- intermediates -- or advanced

What about specialization programs?

Gaining weight -- losing weight -- building
strength -- increasing a given lift -- or just
building some serious muscle mass?

Are you interested in something that's
related to health and longevity?

Or does some Dinosaur mindpower sound
good to you?

I have some ideas on things to cover, but I
always like to hear from the Dinos. So if there's
something you'd like to see, shoot me an email
and let me know.

I'm also looking for training reports and similar
updates to run in the Mesozolc Mail and Jurassic
Jottings sections of the February Dinosaur Files.
So don't be shy -- send in a report and let your
fellow Dinos know what you're doing!

I'm also interested in how you like the format
for the new monthly Dinosaur Files, and the
digital delivery feature. Let me know how it's
working for you!

Otherwise, have a great day -- and if it's a
training day, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you're snow-bound and looking for some
good reading, check out our PDF books and
courses - and our Kindle books and courses.
There are a ton to choose from now.

You can find all of our books and courses,
including hard-copy, Kindle and PDF,
right here at Dino Headquarters:

P.S. 2. The Nov-Dec issue of the Dinosaur
Files is right here in PDF format:

We're still working on the Kindle edition. I'll
send the link as soon as it's ready.

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Every hour
of your
life has 60 priceless minutes of
opportunity. Make
the most of each and
every one of them."
-- Brooks Kubik
