Friday, February 3, 2017

Carrying On An Important Tradition

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Everybody over a certain age has memories of
the old-school muscle magazines: Bob Hoffman's
Strength and Health, Muscular Development  (a
Hoffman magazine that was edited by John
Grimek), and a host of other publications from
back in the era of black iron barbells and hard
and heavy training.

The pre-Instagram, pre-selfie world.

Most of us who were young in that era look back
most fondly to Peary Rader's wonderful old
IronMan magazine.

It was the best of the best.

The reason why is two-fold.

Peary Rader believed in basic, simple workouts
and what he called "limited exercise programs."

Lots of squats and a few other basic exercises.

And not much else.

He printed articles about longer, more complicated,
high volume programs because he felt that his job
as editor was to provide a forum for different ideas
about training rather than to censor the things he
disagreed with -- but the over-all message of the
magazine was simple: "Work hard on the basic

Second, Peary Rader tended to focus on the
average trainee, NOT the "champions."

Most of the magazines ran one feature after
another telling us how so-and-so bombed,
blitzed, and blasted his biceps, powerized
his pecs, or carved those amazing
washboard abs.

And they topped it off with the gossip columns,
where the "insiders" gave us the monthly scoop
on everything that was happening at Muscle

As if the world revolved around Muscle Beach -
or as if what happened at Muscle Beach had
anything to do with heading out to your
garage or down to your basement to do
some heavy squats or deadlifts after a
long, hard day on the job.

But IronMan gave us articles about people
who trained and lived in the real world.

People who discovered great new exercises,
designed new pieces of equipment, or
figured out new and better ways of
building strength and muscle.

Their contributions to the Iron Game were
immense, immeasurable and invaluable --
and we would never have known about them
had it not been for Peary Rader's IronMan.

I'm trying to continue that tradition in the
Dinosaur Files.

It's a strength training journal that's much
like Peary Rader's old IronMan.

It doesn't focus on the "champions." It doesn't
cover the big contests. If you're interested in
that sort of thing, there are plenty of places
to find it.

It's not a supplement catalog, like the other
magazines. We have some small classified ads,
but that's it. Not page after page of endless ads
with look-alike bodybuilders pushing protein
supplements, pre-workout energizers, post-
workout recovery drinks, herbal concoctions,
glandulars, metabolic this or optimize-me

The Dinosaur Files features my own original
articles, as well as articles from your fellow
Dinosaurs. Thus, it serves the same function
that Peary Rader's IronMan served -- it gives
us a clearing house to share ideas about the
kind of training that works for people like us --
people who live and train in the real world.

The Dinosaur Files is a monthly publication -
and each issue is available in your choice of
PDF with immediate electronic delivery or
Kindle e-book.

We have to format the Kindle edition differently
than the PDF, so we do the PDF first and then
work on getting the Kindkle edition out to you.

Thus, the January issue is available in PDF but
not (yet) in Kindle. (But it won't be long before
we finish the Kindle edition.)

Go here to grab the PDF edition of the January
Dino Files:

I like to think that Peary Rader would like what
we're doing. I sure hope so.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can find back issues of the Dinosaur Files
ion the PDF and Kindle sections at our Products

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day. "The more you
know, the more you grow." - Brooks Kubik
