Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Here's What Your Fellow Dinos Are Saying About It!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Here's what your fellow Dinos are saying
about the January issue of The Dinosaur

From an 86-Year Old Dino

Informative. Well written. Keep up the
good work!

From your 86 year old follower in Missouri.

Richard Coder

Richard - Thanks for your feedback. It
means alot, especially from one of our
oldest and longest-training Dinos. Keep
us posted on your training - you are
inspiration to all of the younger Dinos,
including the young guys in their 60's
(Dino teenagers?) like me.

Feedback from an Australian Dino

I like the Dinosaur Files because it is
not a one size fits all type of training.

There are infinite options for each
individual. There is no one right way.
You can do what you like, and enjoy it,
while minimizing injury and time.

My favorite article in the January issue
was the one about Marvin Eder's special
program for the military press.

Travis Baker

Travis - thanks for your feedback. One
of my favorite things about the Dino
Files is getting to see what other Dinos
are doing - what equipment they are
using; what exercises work best for
them; how many days a week they
train; what works best for them in
terms of sets, reps and programming,

There's a lot of BS out there, but very
little about what I call "real world
Training" - meaning training that
works for real people. Not the
Fantasy Land stuff, but the real
world stuff.

That's what you'll see in every issue
of the Dinosaur Files: the stuff that
works for real world trainees.

Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the article
on Marvin Eder's military press training.
It has plenty of good information in it.

To everyone else - keep the feedback
coming in. It's very helpful.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab the January issue
of The Dinosaur Files:

P.S. 2. For back issues of The Dinosaur
Files, see the links to our PDF and Kindle
books and courses on our products page:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "One tip
improves your training may be
the difference
between success and
failure." - Brooks Kubik
