Thursday, February 2, 2017

Required Reading for Serious Trainees

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Long-time Dino Peter Jensen sent in a
detailed review of the January issue of
the Dinosaur Files, and I thought I'd
share it with you. It kind of made my
day - and I'm sure you can see why!

Hi Brooks,

What an excellent issue of the Dino Files.
Very well done, and a good job!

Each and every article is required reading
for serious trainees.

All the articles were great, but if I had to
pick my absolute favorite, it would be Allan
Roth's article, "Wrestling With Father Time."

That article could have been written by
yours truly, and when I read it, I almost
felt that Allan and I have lived similar

I too have a background in martial arts,
and have always lived my life with the
pedal to the floor in all my endeavors.
Never a fan of cycling in my training, I
always drove my body hard and heavy.
Limits were there only to be broken.

Thank you for the excellent work that
you do - I will be sure to send you an
article in the near future, and hope to
see it in a future issue of the Dino Files.

Take care and stay strong.

Peter Jensen

Peter - thanks for your kind words. I,
too, enjoyed Allan's article a great deal.

One of the special things about the Dino
Files is that it includes so much material
from real people - folks like us - who live
and train in the real world, and who deal
with real world problems - but who find
ways to adapt, improvise, and carry on.

I'm sure it would be fun to live the Fantasy
Life on the silver sands of Muscle Beach -
but those of us who live in the real world
need real world training advice.

That includes straight talk about dings
and dents - and about effective training
adaptations for older Dinos - which is
something we focus on in The Dino

That's why - as you said - the Dino Files
is required reading for serious trainees.

You just won't find this information
anywhere else. And as they say,
knowledge is power.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab the January issue of
the Dinosaur Files in PDF format:

P.S. 2. For back issues of the Dinosaur
Files, see the PDF and Kindle links at our
Products Page:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Read
train serious, and live serious."
- Brooks Kubik
