Sunday, March 5, 2017

Another Very Good Question

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

In response to yesterday's emails about
the new hard-copy Dinosaur Files - printed
by Amazon, shipped by Amazon, with free
shipping for Amazon Prime customers - we
rec'd several emails asking the same

I figure that when we get several emails
asking the same question, we probably
have many more Dinos who are wondering
the same thing.

So I thought I'd answer it in an email.

Bill Green put it like this:

Dear Brooks,

Not only would I love to have back issues
of The Dino Files in hard-copy from Amazon,
but I'd also like to SUBSCRIBE to the new
monthly releases. 

Is there any chance of setting THAT up?

Bill Green

Well, that's a good question - so I checked
with Amazon. Right now, it does NOT look
like it's an option for Kindle or Amazon

That may change in the future. If it does,
we'll see if we can make it work.

Until then, we'll have to keep on doing things
the old-fashioned way. We'll release each issue
of the Dino Files in PDF (which you can purchase
at my website), and then in Kindle and Amazon
paper-back editions (which you purchase from

I'll send emails letting you know when each
edition is ready.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here are the links for the January issue
of the Dinosaur Files:

PDF edition

Kindle edition

Amazon hard-copy

P.S. 2. The February issue is available in PDF
right now, but we'll get the Kindle and
Amazon hard-copy versions up and
available as soon as we can. The PDF
version is right here:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "The more you
learn, the more you gain." - Brooks Kubik
