Thursday, March 16, 2017

The One Million Squats Rule

Even after more than 50 years of training, every workout is more fun than the one before it.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One quick note and then we'll talk training.

1. We're All Out of Black Iron

We are now completely and officially all
out of Black iron: The John Davis

If you want a copy, I think Bill Hinbern
and John Wood may have some - but
I don't.

Check with Bill at:

And check with John at:

If they DO have any left, they don't
have many - so act fast and if one of
them has a copy, grab it.

A very big THANK YOU to everyone
who ordered a copy of the book!

2. The 1,000 Squats Rule

World and Olympic weightlifting champion
Tommy Kono used to say that we all have
a certain number of squats in us, and when
we use them up, that's it.

He didn't mean we're programed to do a
certain number of squats and then our
knees suddenly stop bending and we're
left standing there like the Tin Man in
the Wizard of Oz movie.

No, he meant that we need to take care
of our bodies and not do crazy stuff that
does more harm than good -- and not
waste our reps on things that don't
directly contribute to our  strength
and health goals.

For example, you see a lot of stuff out
there about squatting every day.


If you can build just as much strength (or
more) on less frequent squat workouts, then
why hit them every day and run the risk of
jacking up your knees, hips or lower back?

Why not allow time for adequate recovery?
It not only helps your training, it helps
preserve and protect your joints.

Or you see guys doing leg workouts where
they do hundreds of reps of different
exercises. 5 x 10 on this, 10 x 10 on
that, 5 x 12 on something else -- and
on and on. Some guys might do 500 or
more reps in a single leg training session.

Why do that if you can get bigger and
stronger with 5 sets of 5 reps or 5/4/3/2/1
or 5 sets of 3 in the squat or front squat?

The lower volume builds more strength and
more muscle -- and imposes much less wear
and tear on your body.

So why do the high volume thing?

Lower reps also allow you to train with greater
focus and much more precision.

You concentrate on each rep. You perform it in
perfect form. You become the rep.

In contrast, high volume workouts are almost
always a series of fast, choppy, sloppy reps
performed with little focus and no attention
to the mind-muscle link. Your brain does
nothing more than count the reps.

But there's a better way to do it. A much
better way.

I've been training for more than 50 years now,
and I plan to keep on training for a long time.

I have no idea how many more squats I have
in me, so I'm playing it safe. I keep the volume
low, and I make every rep count. I train with
total and complete focus, and I do everything
possible to maximize the mind-muscle link.

Tommy Kono called it "Quality Training." You
focus on quality, not quantity -- on perfect
lifting rather than on volume.

It makes a BIG difference -- and it helps keep
you from using up those squats too early in
your career!

As always, thanks for reading and have a great
day. If you train today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here's a great book about Quality Training
for older Dinos -- as in, anyone age 35 and up:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters -- along with links
to all of my e-books on Kindle:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: "Strength training
is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Make the most of the opportunity." -- Brooks