Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hitting It Hard at Dino Headquarters!

The outdoor lifting area at Dino Headquarters.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I've had several questions about
my current training and what I'm
doing, so I thought I'd give you a
brief report.

As I've mentioned, we moved last
year - sold the house  - downsized
to a nice little apartment - and I
brought my weights with me.

I train out in the driveway, using
some thick rubber stall mats for
a lifting platform.

When it rains, I do squats in the

I do Olympic lifting now, so my
workouts are 100% OL.

Training should be fun. Do the things that you enjoy doing.


Because it's a good workout - and
because I like doing it. At age 60,
after 50-plus years of training, I
get to do things that I like when I

That's a very important point for
older Dinos.

Find things you enjoy. You're
much more likely to stick with
it if you do things you enjoy.

I try to train 3x a week, alternating
snatch workouts and clean and
jerk workouts. Sometimes, LIFE
gets in the way and I can only
train twice a week. Both work

It doesn't have to be fancy to be effective.

If time and energy permit, the
snatch workout looks like this:

1. 10 - 15 min warm-up

2. Power snatches

3. Snatch high pulls

4. Back or front squats

5. Gut work or hyperextensions

The clean and jerk workout
looks like this:

1. 10 - 15 min warm-up

2. Power clean and jerk

3. Clean high pulls

4. Back or front squats

5. Gut work or hyperextensions

If I'm pressed for time, I do
less. No big deal. The point is,
get in the workout, even if it's
a shorter one.

Anyhow, that's what I've been
doing - and I'm having lots of
fun doing it.

Check out the photos and videos
on Instagram:

And if you're looking for more
workout ideas, and more training
tips, grab this:

Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1.
"Exercises, Workouts and Training

Kindle e-book


PDF - see the section for PDF courses on
our products page:

As always, thanks for reading
and have a great day. If you
train today, make it a good

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - head on over and take a look: