Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Dinosaur Training T-Shirts

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

As longtime Dinos know, we used to
carry some sharp-looking Dinosaur
Training t-shirts.

Many of you ordered them - and
some of you may still have them.

Many of you wore them for Dino-
style workouts - and I'm told they
were often good for setting a new

We discontinued t-shirts when we
downsized and moved into a small
apartment last year. We just don't
have any room to store them.

But Trudi had a great idea the
other day.

"Let's do a limited run of new
t-shirts," she said.

"We can put up a sales page and
take orders - find out exactly how
many to print and in what sizes -
have them printed, fill all the
orders and that's that."

I nodded in agreement.

It's a great idea.

A win-win for everyone.

Anyone who wants a t-shirt
can get one - and because it's
a special, limited run, we don't
have to worry about having to
find a place to store a bunch of

Anyhow, we're going to go ahead
and set it up.

We should be ready to go some-
time in the next 5 to 7 days.

I'll send a link when we're ready
to go.

Remember, this will be a special,
limited run of new t-shirts, so if
you want one (or a couple of
them), take immediate action
and place your order as soon
as you get the link.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. In the meantime, we've got
tons of books and courses for
you - in hard-copy, PDF and
Kindle editions:

Hard-copy and PDF


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here's one of them - head on over and take a look at the others: