Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Lost Articles!

Strength, Muscle and Power collects 28 of my most popular training articles - covering a wide variety of old-school strength training and muscle building workouts.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

John Wood calls them THE LOST

And that's a pretty good description.

THE LOST ARTICLES are strength
training articles I wrote way back
in the 1990's.

They were published in various
magazines - Hardgainer, The Iron
Master, and Milo.

I've updated and revised these old
articles, and put them together in a
single book - along with  brand new,
special introduction that gives you
the inside story on the article and
why I wrote it.

in Strength, Muscle and Power.

There are 28 of them - and they
cover an incredibly wide range of
old-school strength training and
muscle building methods:

Abbreviated training.

Powerlifting workouts.

Power rack training.

Olympic lifting workouts.

Garage gorilla training.

Old-school grip training.

Training with heavy, awkward


Rest Pause Training - the way
they did it in the 50's, not the
modern stuff some guys pass
off as rest-pause training.

How to design effective training

How to develop confidence and
mental toughness.

How to develop super strength
by training the tendons and

Specialization programs for
maximum muscle mass.



Training programs for hard-

Ultra-abbreviated training

Special advice for home gym

Tons of hard-hitting, Dino-style

The EXACT program I used to
win five National Championships
in the bench press.

And much more!

I released the book in 2010 - and
we don't have too many more
copies left. We're not down to the
last dozen yet, but we're getting
to the end - and because Trudi and
I are moving to the Pacific Northwest
soon, I'm not going to do another
big printing.

So if you don't have a copy, grab
one now. They won't be available
forever - and you don't want to
miss the chance to grab a copy.

Go here to grab the little monster:

By the way, I tried to decide which
chapter is my favorite - but it's a
three-way tie between chapters 13,
14 and 25.

Of course, chapter 18 is pretty
good. too. Joe Weider liked that
one. He even called me to tell
me - which was a bit of a

Heck, they're all pretty good.

There's no way I can pick a
favorite. If YOU can, let me

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik