Thursday, September 21, 2017

The "Hit by a Big Truck" Workout!

Having fun in the outdoor training area here at Dino Headquarters. My workouts are short, fast and abbreviated, but they work great and they're tons of fun - and that's what counts!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We got some terrific feedback from
the Dinos in response to yesterday's
email about heavy singles and how
many work best.

One of our longtime Dinos, Micah,
sent in the following report. I call it
the "Hit by a Big Truck" workout.
Read his report, and you'll see


I thought I would respond to your
question about heavy singles, as I
had a great workout the other day.

Much of my workout was the result
of reading both Dinosaur Training
and Gray Hair and Black Iron.

I have to say that reading them has
changed my workouts, and the initial
results are very good for a guy who
is 55 years old. I will keep you posted.

1. Push press - 7 singles (near limit)

2. Bench press lockouts - 6 singles
(near limit)

3. Bands (for shoulder/rc work)

4. 1/4 squats - 8 singles

5. Standing calf raises - 4 x 5

6. Sit-ups and leg raises

I didn't do any grip work, as I hurt
my left index finger in my last work-

In the push press, I did my top weight
easily, compared to having to take two
tries to get it several weeks ago when
I began this program. Hmmm.

I am doing nothing but heavy lockouts
for bench press and squats. I keep
track of my strength level by doing
incline bench presses (which I prefer)
and Trap Bar deadlifts every other
workout. Not pushing too hard on
those, but just seeing how easily
the weights go up as I slowly build
back up to what were my limits
in those lifts.

BTW, I felt like I got hit by a truck
the day after that workout. It was
only a total of 21 REPS (not 21 sets,
but 21 reps) for the big muscles, plus
some quick work for shoulder health,
calves and abs. Amazing!

I have a feeling that I am going to
be very pleasantly surprised by the
results I get from this program. I
am so glad I read your books!

As I said, I will keep you posted on
my progress.


Thanks for the report, Micah. That
sounds like a great workout - and
it also sounds like you're having
fun and making progress - both
of which are pretty important!

To everyone else - keep those
reports coming in. I'll share as 
many of them as I can!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. You can grab Dinosaur Training
right here:

Go here to grab Gray Hair and
Black Iron:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses
are right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: 

"21 exercises in a workout is silly.
21 total sets might be okay. 21 total
REPS may work best of all for you."

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: