Friday, October 13, 2017

Smart Dino Saves $30.000 in Medical Bills

One of our longtime Dinos just saved $30,000 in medical bills. Here's what happened.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We'll talk iron in just a minute, but
first I need to cover two quick

1. The Old School Strength Q
and A,
Vol. 2

It's here, it's new, and it's available
in your choice of hard-copy or PDF.

The little monster covers 20 training
questions from Dinos - and detailed
answers to them.

Go here to grab it - and if you missed
vol. 1 in the series, grab that, too:

And be sure to let me know how you
like the little monster!

2. The October Dino Files

The October issue of the Dinosaur
Files is available as a free bonus
when you order vol. 2 of the Old
School Strength Q and A.

If you order the hard-copy Q and
A, you get a hard-copy issue of the
Dino Files - and if you order the PDF
version of the Q and A you get the
Dino Files in PDF.

Yes, I know it's a great bonus - I
wanted to find a good way to say
THANK YOU to everyone who
grabs the new Q and A course.

3. Smart Dino Saves $30,000
in Medical Bills

Here's a true story.

One of our longtime Dinos was
hitting it hard in his home gym
a couple of weeks ago.

Older Dino - been training for a
very long time - knows what he's

Reads my stuff, reads Bill Hinbern's
stuff and reads John Wood's stuff.
Including the stuff we write about
training smart - and making safety
a priority - and using the right kind
of equipment.

Which is something all three of us
have covered on a regular basis -
and something we'll keep on
covering because it's so darn

But back to our Dino.

He was doing bench presses.

First rep - easy.

Second rep - easy.

Third rep - a little harder.

He keeps on going.

And suddenly, something happens.

There's a sharp pain in his shoulder,
and he drops the bar.

Right out of his hands.

Now, you may wonder how THAT
happened - especially to a long-
time Iron Slinger - but the fact of
the matter is that it DOES happen

And it can happen to anyone.

I once saw a National Champion
and American record holder in the
bench press do almost exactly the
same thing.

Dropped the bar right out of his
hands and right onto his chest.

Boom - just like that.

But back to our Dino - lying there
under the free-falling barbell.

The bar comes crashing down.
But instead of landing on his face -
or on his throat - the bar lands on
the safety pins in the Sutherland
power rack he bought from John

And the bar bounces up and down
a bit - but the industrial strength
safety pins protect our Dino - and
he's okay.

Needs to get his shoulder checked
out - but he doesn't have $30,000
in medical bills for surgery to fix a
broken jaw and replace all of his

Likewise, he doesn't need to worry
about surgery for a crushed wind-
pipe - which is good, because I
don't know if it would work very

So I'm darn glad that I write about
safe training - and about using a
power rack when you bench press
without a spotter.

And I'm glad that Bill Hinbern and
John Wood cover the very same
topic from time to time.

And I'm glad that John Wood sold
our Dino a Sutherland rack - and
that our Dino used it for his bench

But most of all, I'm glad that our
Dino read our daily emails about
safety and safe training - and I'm
glad he took the message to heart -
and I'm glad that he's okay.

Share the message and spread the
word - and help everyone who trains
do it the right way - and the safe way.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Do you get the daily emails from
John Wood and Bill Hinbern? If not,
go here to sign up for them:

John Wood

Bill Hinbern

P.S. 2. Power rack training is great
for safe training - but it's also great
for super effective strength and
muscle building workouts.

I cover the details of how to get
the very best results from power
rack workouts in Strength, Muscle
and Power - including the exact
program I used to win five National
Bench Press Championships:

P.S. 3. Thought for the Day

"Important messages are worth
repeating from time to time -
and they're always worth listening

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: