Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Dinosaur Health Care Solution

This is the outdoor training area at Dino Headquarters - and it's where I go to build strength and health. If you want to help solve the health care crisis, regular exercise is one of the best places to start.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

The health care crisis has been in the
news for the past 10 or 20 years - and
things only seem to be getting worse.

A huge percentage of people in the
USA and other industrialized countries
are fat, sick, tired, and weak - and they
have a host of degenerative diseases.

Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and
pretty much everything else you can
find in a medical dictionary.

Meanwhile, the cost of health care is
sky-high and going up all the time -
and the cost of health insurance is
doing the very same thing.

And no one seems to know what to
do about it.

I don't know how to fix the problem
on a societal level - but I do know
how each of us can take control of
our own health, and do as much as
we can to be (in Bob Hoffman's
words) strong, healthy and happy.

And it's nothing new, and nothing
esoteric. It's following the very same
rules of healthy living that Bernarr
MacFadden, Bob Hoffman, Paul Bragg,
Peary Rader and so many others have
taught us for well over the past 100

Let me boil it down into 10 Rules of
Strength and Health:

1. Exercise every single day.

a. It doesn't have to be hard and heavy,
but do something every single day -
even if you just take the dog for a walk.

2. Include progressive resistance training
(your choice of weights or bodyweight
calisthenics - or both) at least two or
three days a week.

a. The old three times a week barbell
and dumbbell workout with basic
exercises is hard to beat.

3. Eat a healthy diet based on whole
foods, prepared at home, in simple,
delicious ways.

4. Do not over-eat.

a. Your waist-line is your health-line
and your life-line.

5. Build a strong, muscular body with
minimal bodyfat, and keep it that way
for the rest of your life.

6. Get enough rest and sleep so that
you wake up feeling like you can jump
out of bed and tackle anything Life
throws at you.

7. Don't smoke.

a. if you do, quit.

8. Don't drink to excess - and consider
not drinking at all.

9. Strive to maintain a happy, optimistic,
confident state of mind.

a. Daily meditation is a pretty good thing
to do.

10. Keep your mind active. Cultivate many
different interests. Don't limit yourself to
the Iron Game. And read books. They help
keep your brain healthy and strong.

I'm sure we could add some more, and
we could go into much more detail with
all of them - but that's a pretty good
start. If more people followed these
rules, we'd be much healthier, much
stronger, and much happier.

Yours in strength (and health),

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Gray Hair and Black Iron is the
number one book for older trainees.

Go here to grab a copy:

P.S. My other books and courses
are right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"You can't save the world, but you
can take immediate action to build
and maintain strength, health and
happiness - and that's a very good
thing to do."

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: