Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The November Dinosaur Files Has Landed!

Workouts are fun, and if you do them right, you always learn something new and useful - and the same is true of each and every issue of The Dinosaur Files newsletter!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We just put up the links to grab the
October and November issues of the
Dinosaur Files newsletter.

The newsletter is in a PDF format -
but it's printable, so you can down-
load the PDF and print it out to have
a hard-copy.

After much thought and debate we
decided to do it that way because
there's no postage charge - and it's
fast and quick (as in, immediate) -
and it won't get lost in the mail.

It's also much easier for us because
we don't have to spend several days
filling orders for hard-copy newsletters.

If you don't have a printer and you
are desperate for a hard-copy, shoot
me an email and we'll see what we
can do to help you out.

Anyhow, here's the link for the Oct
and Nov issues of The Dinosaur Files:


BTW, the Oct issue was (and is) a special
bonus for anyone who grabs vol. 2 in
my Strength Training Q and A series -
so if you already got the October issue
as a bonus with the Q and A course, don't
order it again - just grab the November
Dino Files.

Of course, if you don't have vol. 2 in the
Q and A series you can grab that - and get
the October Dino Files as a bonus - and
then grab the November Dino Files


Any questions, holler.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik