Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Different Kind of Workout for Dinosaurs!

Back in the day, Fred Rollon was known as The Human Anatomy Chart - and this classic photo shows you why. By the way, this photo is somewhere around 100 years old, so we know that Fred built his amazing physique with old-school, all-natural, drug-free training. 

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Have you ever tried daily training?

Most of us have - and it didn't work
very well.

I remember doing the six-day per
week bodybuilding workouts that
were all the rage when I was a kid.

You were supposed to hit the gym
for two or three hours every day,
and bomb, blast and blitz until
every single muscle was pumped
to the max.

It was the way to build cannonball
delts, horseshoe triceps, baseball
biceps, gladiator pecs, barn-door
lats, wash-board abs, herculean
thighs and calves that were
bigger than full-grown cows.

And it was a sure-fire ticket to
fame and fortune.

The Mr. America title - magazine
covers - and movie contracts.

It was perfect.

Except it didn't work.

But we didn't know that - and so
we all tried it - and eventually we
got smart and moved on to some-
thing else.

Then there was the so-called
Bulgarian Training system - train
every day and max out in every

That was really big for awhile.

And once again, most of us tried

But it didn't work. We burned out.

And many of us injured ourselves on
the program.

But eventually we started training
a little bit more sensibly and a lot
more productively.

Still, there are benefits to more
frequent workouts - IF they're the
right kind of workouts.

They help keep you loose and limber.

They're great stress busters (and that's
important, because stress is one of our
number one killers).

They get you moving - and as Sandow
said many years ago, life is movement.

And for older Dinos who are retired or
semi-retired, workouts give you some-
thing to do instead of sitting on the
couch and staring at the old idiot box.

So I put together a great little program
that lets you train six times a week -
without burning out and without over-
doing things.

I even give three different levels for
each training day.

So you can scale it to how you feel on
any given day. Do more if you're feeling
good, and less if you're feeling tired.

It's not the muscle-magazine silliness
from when we were kids - and it's not
the so-called Bulgarian stuff.

It's another form of real world training.

Something that works for people like
you and me - people who live and train
in the real world.

It's all there in the December issue of
The Dinosaur Files - which you can
right here:

By the way, several of you have asked
about subscriptions to The Dinosaur Files.

If you want a subscription, shoot me an
email and I'll tell you how to grab one.

Otherwise, you can just grab each issue
as it comes out every month.

Either way, it's a great little training
journal - with some great workouts
for you.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: