Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How to Stop Your Progress Dead in Its Tracks!

Like all great champions, Mr. Universe Reg Park used many different programs over the years - but he didn't bounce randomly from program to program. He always stuck with any particular program long enough to let it work - and later, when his gains began to slow down, he switched to a new program. That's intelligent training - and it gave Park great results!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let's take a minute and talk about the number
one progress buster.

This derails more trainees than almost anything

It happens to beginners and intermediates all
the time - but it even happens to experienced

I'm going to cover it NOW, so it doesn't ever
happen to YOU!

Recently, I discussed the importance of concentration
when you train -- and I noted that distraction was a
physical culturist's greatest enemy.

I was talking about distraction during your workouts.

But there's another kind of distraction -- and it's a
huge problem -- and one that's getting bigger all the

It's information overload -- and it's the result of all the
different people with all the different whiz-bang training
programs, workouts, exercises, and ideas.

Now, there's nothing wrong with training information
per se -- or with reading about training or with being
on the lookout for new ideas. In fact, the availability
of good information and the free-flow of ideas is a
good thing.

But it becomes a BAD thing when it leads a trainee to
start to second-guess what he's doing -- or to change
what he's doing before he's had a chance to make any
real progress from it.

Remember, it takes a while for a training program to

For most people, it goes something like this.

You start light and easy and gradually add weight and
build up the intensity of your workouts. This may last
anywhere from two to six weeks.

Eventually, you hit a point where the workouts are hard,
heavy and demanding. This is where the program will
prove its worth. It's the hard part of the training cycle
where you make your gains.

Finally, you reach a point where your gains slow down or
come to a stop.

At that point, you switch to another workout -- once again
starting light and easy, and working up to some serious
iron and some serious effort.

Over time, this approach gives you plenty of variety,
and builds a ton of strength, muscle and power.

But you have to stick with each program long enough
to make progress.

If you change your program every time you see some-
thing new and different, you usually don't do very well.

In short, information is good -- but you need to know
how to use it -- and when to use it.

And you need to stick to a given program long enough
to get some real results.

Make a plan -- and follow through.

That's the key to success.

As always, thanks for reading and have a great day. If
you train today, make it a good one.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you need help finding the right program for
your current level of experience, strength and
development, grab this:


P.S. 2. My other books and courses -
and links to all of my e-books on Kindle
- are right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF




P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"A good program always works, but it
work overnight. You have to
give it time."

-- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: