Saturday, January 6, 2018

Look What I Found at Play It Again Sports!

I walked into Play It Again Sports the other day and spotted this little monster - and ended up taking it home!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Trudi wanted to get some kettlebells to use
in our apartment, so we headed over to the
local Play It Again Sports store to see if we
could find any for her.

We walked into the store, and the first thing
we saw were some power racks.

Most of them were modern racks, which I
don't like very much.

I prefer old school racks made from heavy
iron - the kind that can hold a ton without

And, of course, I like them to be black iron.

Somehow, a rack doesn't have the same
look when it's painted fire engine red
or tangerine orange.

But the main thing you want is a very, very
strong rack - very solid - as in, more or
less bomb-proof.

Now, I have done plenty of rack training in
my life.

I used to train at a local gym that had a very
solid, super strong rack made by a retired iron
worker named Carl. That was my kind of rack.

And yes, it was black iron.

I more or less lived in it when I trained there.

Later, I set up a home gym in my basement,
and bought a rack from Jan Dellinger at the York
Barbell Company.

It was one of the last six they had in stock -
old school, solid, and strong.

And black iron, of course.

Giving 435 or 440 pounds a ride on my old York power rack.

I used that rack for a long time - but when we
sold our house in 2015, I sold the rack to a
young guy named Bobby. He's strong as heck
(he has closed the No. 3 gripper), and he puts
it to good use, which is what any good rack

Meanwhile, I was doing a lot of Olympic lifting,
and didn't need a rack for it, and all was well.

But, as they say, things changed.

Last summer, I listened to John Wood give a
killer presentation on The Bone Strength
Project - and I decided to try it - but you
need a power rack to do it.

So I started to look for a used rack at a not
too steep price.

Of course, I wanted an old school rack.

Solid and strong.

And black iron.

Time passed, and I couldn't find what I

But that changed yesterday - because one of
the used racks at Play It Again Sports was
what I was looking for.

Old school. Strong as heck. Solid and heavy.

And black iron.

And the little monster was listed at only $250.00.

Anyhow, I grabbed the rack. It's here at Dino
Headquarters now, and it's going to be getting
a lot of use.

Oh, about the kettlebells. We couldn't find any.

But that was okay. The trip was well worth it -
and, of course, Trudi deserves all the credit for
suggesting that we head over there.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I cover power rack training in detail in
Strength, Muscle and Power:

And if you're interested in learning about John
Wood's unique and very effective Bone Strength
Project, grab this:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 2. Thought for the Day:

"Old school iron - in basic black - is pretty much
impossible to beat.

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: