Friday, January 12, 2018

Squat While You Can!

World and Olympic champion John Davis hitting a heavy clean and jerk at Muscle Beach back in the early 1950's. As a young man, Davis made every workout count - and achieved his goal of becoming the strongest man in the world!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

One of our longtime Dinos sent me an email
where he talked about an old friend who
passed away several years ago at age 94.

He was a veteran of WW2, and fought in
the Philippines.

According to our Dino, he was like many
WW2 veterans: quiet, courteous, and
friendly - but very, very tough.

As in, hard as nails tough.

Later, he worked as a tour guide in Santa
Fe. That makes it a small world, because
I've been to Santa Fe four or five times -
and perhaps I even walked past him. Or
talked with him. Who knows?

In any case, he had a favorite saying that
pretty much summed up his philosophy of

Walk while you can.

Our Dino said he was thinking about his old
friend - and about his saying - and the whole
idea of "Walk while you can."

He thought it applied to Dinosaurs and to
Dino style strength training.

Except you had to change it a little:

Squat while you can.

I thought that was pretty good, and I wanted
to share it with you.

You know, the time will come when you can
no longer squat.

Or deadlift.

Or do standing presses.

Or the farmer's walk.

Or any of the things you do now - or the
things you COULD do now, but don't.

That suggests two things.

First, if you can train now, then train. Don't
put it off. Don't waste a single precious

Second, do the things that really count. Make
every workout a good one - using the very
best and most effective exercises you can do.

Third, train for lifelong strength and health -
so you can keep on squatting (and deadlifting,
pressing, farmer's walking, etc.) for as long
as possible.

For some specific training tips, strategies and
workouts, grab Gray Hair and Black Iron.

It's the number one book on sensible and
effective training for lifelong strength and

I also have a great little mini-course for
older Dinos. It's our Mini-Course No. 1,
and you can find it right here, under the
special section for PDF courses:

And, of course, John Wood's special program
for bone strength and bone density will help
keep you walking - and squatting - for a very
long time.

For details on the Bone Strength Project, grab
issue no. 4 of The Train Hard Bulletin. It
lays the complete program out in detail:

Remember, the important thing is to keep on
walking - and squatting - and doing every other
excellent exercise that you can do.

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: