Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The January Dinosaur Files Has Landed!

Old-school retro snatches at Dino Headquarters - where we just released the January issue of the Dinosaur Files newsletter!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We've had a little bit of January craziness here
at Dino Headquarters - meaning that the January
issue of The Dinosaur Files is a little later than I
had intended - but HERE IT IS!

This issue of The Dinosaur Files includes two
terrific workouts.

One is a kettlebell workout followed by one of
our longtime Dinos - who uses it to supplement
his martial arts training. It's a very good workout.

If you prefer dumbbells to kettlebells, you'll be
glad to know that you can use dumbbells just
as easily as kettlebells for this program.

The second workout is a special program for
adding some muscle mass fast and easily.

It's a simple but very effective program - and
one that I have recommended to many Dinos
over the years. I think you'll like it.

Of course, there are plenty of other useful
nuggets of training information in this
month's issue.

Go here to grab the little monster in PDF


The PDF is printable, so if you prefer to
have a printed copy of The Dinosaur Files,
all you need to do is grab the PDF and
print it out.

By the way, if you prefer a one-year, 12-issue
subscription, we can make that happen - just
shoot me an email and we'll get you set up.

And, of course - be sure to let me know
how you enjoy this month's issue of the
best little training publication on the

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik