Wednesday, February 21, 2018
A Shocking Discovery
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
Last Spring we cracked open our last box
of Black Iron: The John Davis Story -
my massive, almost 500 page biography
of John Davis, the legendary TWO TIME
Olympic gold medal winner and SIX-
TIME World champion in weightlifting.
It covers his entire life - his complete
lifting career - and how he trained.
It even includes something that has not
been published anywhere else - John
Davis' actual training program from
He wrote it on a small note-card and gave
it to his training partner, Hymie Cohen.
I went to Florida and interviewed Hymie
when I was researching the book - and
when I asked him about John Davis'
training, he pulled the card out of a
folder marked "John Davis" and handed
it to me - and I copied the program -
and now it's right there, in the book.
Anyhow . . .
I thought we were completely out of all
copies of the book - but earlier today I
was getting some copies of Legacy of
Iron books out of a box in the basement,
and guess what I found hidden away in
the very bottom of the box?
That's right - some copies of Black Iron:
The John Davis Story.
Six copies, to be exact.
And I do believe that this is it.
So if you missed it before, here's a final
and last chance.
The book is $35.00 plus shipping
and handling.
If you want one, shoot me an email.
Since there are only six of them left,
it's first come, first served - so if you
want a copy, act now.
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik