Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Grab It While You Can!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
We have just three boxes of Strength,
Muscle and Power left, plus some copies
on the bookshelf by Trudi's desk.
Seven copies to be precise.
That makes a grand total of 67 copies -
which sounds like a lot, but really isn't.
They'll go fast.
And when they're gone, that's it, because
we not doing a second edition or another
printing anytime soon.
Remember, Trudi and I are planning to
move to the Pacific Northwest in the not
too distant future - and we can't take
thousands and thousands of books with
us - so we're not able to do a second
printing right now.
Anyhow, it's a great book - with tons of
terrific training programs and workouts -
including the EXACT programs I used to
win five National Bench Press Champion-
ships and set over a dozen American and
World records in the bench press (in the
submaster's division, lifting in drug-free
powerlifting federations).
The same programs helped me pack on
something like 40 pounds of muscle.
So it's well worth getting - and the
programs in it are well worth trying.
Go here to grab the little monster:
Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik