Tuesday, February 20, 2018

New and Good - Fast and Fun!

There's something new and good for serious strength trainers - and if John Grimek were around today, I think he'd like it!
Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Here's something new and good from John
Wood - and it's fast, fun and costs just about
the same as one of those mocha latte grande
coffee drinks with whipped cream and a cherry
on top.

It's a streamlined publication called The John
Wood Report.

You can grab it right here in a downloadable


It's 12 pages - short and sweet - fast and
easy to read - but its crammed full of all
kinds of good info:

* The Five Best Trap Bar Movements

* Gym Etiquette -- I only WISH the average
gym goer could read this

* The simple template that John has for the
better part of the last two and a half decades to
put his workout routines together -- or what the
kids today call "programming"

* Three simple but incredibly effective grip
exercises which can be performed with nothing
more than a loaded barbell

* A Pinch Grip Workout

* Details of a truly "lost" forearm training
exercise, one that built one of the biggest
and strongest forearms of all time

* Some of John's favorite training quotes

* How to train your grip in a commercial

* Two great rope climbing drills, one of which
was a favorite of "The God of Wrestling" Karl

* Ten ways to "finish" your workout

Here's that link one more time:


BTW - aside from John, I was the first person
in the world to read this little monster.

John sent me an advance copy - I read it
through, called him, and said, "It's GREAT!"

I think you'll feel the very same way after
you read it!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik