Saturday, March 17, 2018

Have You Read the February Dinosaur Files?

Getting in a quick workout - and then working on the next issue of The Dinosaur Files!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

The February issue of The Dinosaur
Files has landed - and the Dinos are
loving it!

It's 12 pages, and it's chock full of
good stuff.

It features a very interesting program
used by one of our longtime Dinos -
with a ton of great training tips and
new exercises - including some things
you probably haven't seen or tried

It's also downloadable - and printable -
so you can print a copy and save it in
your collection of strength training
books and courses.

Go here to grab the February issue -
and after you've read it, be sure to
let me know how you like the little

Also, if you missed the Oct, Nov,
Dec and Jan issues, you can get
them here:

I'm working on the March issue right
now, and we'll get it as soon as we
can - and yes, it's going to be another
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. If you prefer a one-year, 12-issue
subscription to The Dinosaur Files,
shoot me an email - we can make
it happen!