Sunday, April 22, 2018

Over 1000 Years of Training Experience!

I've been hitting it hard for a long time - and I've got 52 years of training experience and counting. How many years do you have?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

A couple of hours ago I put up a short post
at the Dinosaur Training - Brooks Kubik
Facebook page - meaning the updated
page for the Dinosaur Training Facebook
Group (not my personal Facebook page).

I noted that I've been doing physical training
for 52 years - and I asked each of the other
members of the Group to reply by giving:

1. The number of years that she or he has
been training,


2. The running total for the number of years
that all of the members of the group have
been training.

The idea was to see how high of a combined
total we can reach.

As you might guess, we've had a number of
members reply - and right now the total is
over 1,000 years.

In fact, when I last checked it was all the way
up to 1439 years.

I want to see if we can get it even higher - so
if you have a minute, sprint on over to Facebook
and apply for membership in the Brooks Kubik - 
Dinosaur Training Facebook Group - and as
soon as you're in, find the post and and add your
number of years of training experience to the
combined total.

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to seeing you
in the Facebook group!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

UPDATE: We're closing in on 5,000 years of combined
training experience for the members of the Dinosaur
Training - Brooks Kubik Facebook page. If you haven't
already joined us, please do so - and add your number
of years of training to our grand total.