Friday, April 27, 2018

The Mysterious 2-1 Program - and Much More!

John Grimek used many different training programs during his career - but I don't think he ever used the 2-1 Program. Very few people have ever used it - or even know what it is - and that's a shame, because it's an excellent program.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Big breaking news!

Yesterday afternoon we released the April
issue of The Dinosaur Files strength
training newsletter - and Dinos around
the world have been racing to grab the
little monster.

You can join them by going here to grab
your copy of the April issue:

It's another great issue, with some really
good articles - including part 2 of John
Stehman's inspiring and motivational
article about his battle against cancer -
and his comeback after his cancer

Part 1 of John's article was far and away
the most popular article in  the March
issue - and part 2 is even better.

There's also a terrific article where I cover
the mysterious 2-1 program - and give you
the exact 2-1 program I followed back in
the day - and an updated and much more
effective version for you to try now.

You've probably never heard of the 2-1
program, and that's no surprise.

Very few people have ever heard of it.

I learned about it long ago from an old-
timer who had a home gym where a
friend and I used to train.

Where he learned it, I have no idea.

I've never heard of it from anyone other
than him - and I've never read about it -
and the odds are good that you've never
read about it either.

But you can read about it now - beginning
at page 10 of the April Dinosaur Files:

So grab the issue, read it, and give the 2-1
program a try - and let me know how you
like it!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik