Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Nine Killer Dumbbell Workouts - and Much More!

Finishing a one-hand dumbbell swing with 151 pounds.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Back in 2014 - 2015 I did a nifty little
publication called The Dinosaur Files

Each issue was 36 to 40 pages - in a
hard-copy format - just like my training

And they had some really good articles
in them.

For example . . .

The June 2015 issue of The Dinosaur
Files Quarterly has a killer article
authored by a guy named Kubik -
who happens to know more than a
little about old-school dumbbell
training, and decided to share
some of it with you.

The title of the article is "Seven
Secrets of Old-School Dumbbell

It's more than an article - it's a
complete course in old-school
dumbbell training.

It covers:

1. How to train your lower back with

2. How to train  your legs with dumb-

3. How to use dumbbells for bench
pressing and incline pressing.

4. How to use dumbbells for
conditioning workouts.

5. How to use a single dumbbell for

6. How to organize a dumbbell


7. How to use dumbbells for abbrev-
iated workouts.

It also includes not one - not two - but
THREE different dumbbell workouts.
AND - it includes TWO all-dumbbell
training programs - each with THREE
different all-dumbbell workouts.

So if my math is right, that means you
get a total of NINE different dumbbell
workouts in one article.

And there are 15 different articles or
in the 40 page issue - so you also get
a ton of other great material.

I mention this because The Dinosaur
Files Quarterly is flying under the
radar screen. For some reason, we
don't sell that many - perhaps because
people don't know how much great info
we packed into each of the issues.

Anyhow, there are FOUR issues of The
Dinosaur Files Quarterly.

I'm going to do a special LIMITED
offer where you can grab all
four issues in hard-copy format for
just $50.00 plus shipping and handling.

If you're interested, shoot me an email.
Let me know how you prefer to pay
(cc or PayPal are best - but check is
okay if you live in the USA).

Do NOT email your cc info - we can
call you to get it - that's much more

Important - be sure to give me your
shipping address so we can calculate
postage for shipping and handling.

Also - if you have one or two issues of
The Dinosaur Files Quarterly and
you need to complete your set, let me
know what issues you're missing and
I'll work up a special package for you -
with a bit of a discount from the
regular price at my website.

Any questions, holler.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik