Friday, May 4, 2018

The 17 Wrist Watches Workout

That's the great John Grimek - with a leather brace on his right wrist - not a wrist watch. I don't know if Grimek ever trained with a wrist watch on, but he sure as heck never did the 17 Wrist Watch Workout - and neither should you!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk
training - as in, the insanely popular
17 Wrist Watches Workout.

1. The Dinosaur Files

If you don't have the April issue of
The Dinosaur Files monthly newsletter,
you're missing a good one - so go here
to grab it:

Also - if you missed the Oct, Nov, Dec,
Jan, Feb or March issues. you can grab
them here:

Oct, Nov, Dec and Jan issues

Feb issue

March issue

The Dinosaur Files comes in a down-
loadable PDF with immediate electronic
delivery. Once you have it, you can save
it on your PC or print it out (or do both).

If you don't have a printer and you need
a hard-copy, shoot me an email - we'll see
what we can do.

Also - if it's easier for you to purchase a
one year, 12-issue subscription, shoot me
an email - we can make that happen, as

2. The Best Poster Ever

John Wood has released a killer poster
featuring an awesome photo of the great
old-time champion, Charles Rigoulet,
lifting an enormous globe barbell.

I really like it - and I think you will, too.

Go here to check it out:

3. The 17 Wrist Watches Workout

Bradley J. Steiner often noted that
there's a big difference between the
right amount of exercise and TOO
MUCH exercise.

A one-hour workout three times a
week might be just the thing for you -
it might leave you feeling great after
every workout - and it might build all
the strength and muscle you want -
along with superb good health.

But more than that - two hours per
workout or more than three workouts
per week - might be too much.

It might tear you down, wear you out,
and bring your gains to a sudden and
screeching halt.

It might also nullify the health-building
benefits of your training - or worse,
make you so run-down and tired that
your training is actually BAD for your

Steiner offered a memorable analogy.

You can get an expensive, high-quality,
deluxe wrist watch - and it looks great
when you wear it.

Or you can try wearing six or seven top
quality wrist-watches - all at the same

And that looks ridiculous - on anyone -
even a famous movie star or other

Because too much of anything is - well,
it's too much. It just doesn't work.

But nowadays, we have trainees who
want to do it all.

They want to do:

heavy weight training

high-rep bodybuilding

heavy singles


5 x 5

20-rep breathing squats

death sets



Olympic lifting

Bone Strength training

pre-exhaustion training

bent presses


sled dragging

tire flipping


hill sprints

long distance running

strongman training

thick bars


tire flips


extra grip work

bodyweight training


nail bending

time under tension

negative reps

30 minutes of pre-hab before
every workout

30 minutes of post-hab after every

weighted carries

flexibility work

interval training

martial arts

box jumps

power walking

And anything else they can think of - or that
they read about on the Web - or that they see
on social media.

And they want to do it all at the same time - if
not in the same workout, then in the same

In other words, they very literally want to
do it

It's far worse than wearing six or seven wrist-
watches, as Steiner cautioned against nearly
50 years ago.

It's more like trying to wear 17 wrist watches
at the same time.

And that just doesn't work.

Not for me, not for you, and not for anyone

Now, there's nothing wrong with any of the
things I mentioned. You can do any of them,
some of them, or all of them. But you can't
do them all at the same time.

Pick and choose.

Find something that appeals to you - and
that will help you achieve your training
goals, whatever they may be - and that
you can do with whatever equipment is
available to you.

And be sure it fits your current strength and
fitness level - and your energy level and your
recovery ability - and your available time,
whatever that may be.

Set up a good progressive training program
where you focus on a couple of things -
not everything, but a couple of good things.

Then knuckle down and train on them hard
enough and long enough to get some good

Later on, you can try other things.

But for now, put together a sensible workout,
and train it hard and smart - and exclusively.

In other words, wear one wristwatch at a

It works a lot better that way.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. I have some great workouts in Chalk and
Sweat - 50 of them, in fact - and I know that
if you look there, you'll find something that is
perfect for you:

2.  My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day: 

"Training is like anything else in
life. It works best when you focus
on one thing at a time."

-- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: