Saturday, June 30, 2018

"Show Me the Research!"

Reg Park didn't worry about research studies - he just trained hard and heavy, and figured things out as he went along.
Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I've been talking a lot about my new
course on Heavy Partials - and about
John Wood's Bone Strength Training
Project - and about the importance
of building your bones, tendons and

And, of course, I've received a ton
of emails asking me for research
studies "proving" that Heavy Partials
and Bone Strength Training really do
build your bones, tendons and lig-

One guy wrote:

"Show me the research!"

So here's the answer to THAT one.

Note: I say "THAT one" because this
sounds to me like an excuse not to
try the program.

And I hate excuses for not trying things.

So excuse me if some of what follows
sounds like a bit of a rant.

The answer is:

I'm not aware of any - and I don't
care to waste my time looking for them.

Here's why.

The type of training I cover in my
Heavy Partials course - and the type
that John covers in his Bone Strength
Project - is an advanced method of
strength training - and it's designed
for advanced trainees who have been
hitting the iron for a long time and are
ready for a heavy specialization program
that builds their bones, tendons and
ligaments to a greater degree than
conventional training (even if it's
heavy training on basic, compound

So that means it's for a limited and
relatively rare group of trainees.

Where are you going to find a bunch
of those people for a research study?

Answer - you won't.

They're a very rare and elite group.

Especially if you're looking for a group
of older trainees who are advanced

And if you DO find them, will they
agree to stop what they're doing and
be part of a multi-year research pro-
gram -which means they have to
follow the program the researchers
write up for them, not their own

Very few advanced trainees would
agree to do that.

I sure as heck wouldn't.

Also, bone mass - and tendon and
ligament strength - depends in part
on diet and nutrition.

So you would have to control for diet
and nutrition.

Which means your research subjects
would have to follow a particular diet,
as well as a particular training program.

Again, what advanced trainees would
agree to follow a diet outlined by a
research guy in a white lab coat who
may or may not have ever done a
single heavy squat in his entire life?

Once again, I wouldn't do it.

And then there's the drug question.

Many advanced trainees have used
steroids or other drugs in the past -
or use them now - and past or current
drug use would obviously affect the
study - so once again you'd have to
control for it - and once again the
research guys would be telling the
advanced trainees what to do, and
the advanced trainees wouldn't
agree to do it.

So instead of a study of advanced
trainees doing the things that John
and I recommend, you'd have studies

a. Six to eight "previously untrained"
college freshman who do a very basic
beginner program for 6 to 12 weeks;


b. A small group of sedentary and inactive
elderly men or women who do a basic
beginner program of some kind of resistance

Both studies are interesting - and they
both might show some increases in
bone, tendon and ligament strength -
but they are NOT studies of the kind
of advanced training in my new Heavy
Partials course or in John's Bone
Strength Project.

They can't possibly test what we're
teaching - because what we're teaching
is ONLY for advanced trainees.

OR - you might have studies of bone
mass in elite athletes - but again, they
are not using the workouts that John
and I teach in our courses - and there
is no control for different diets - and no
control for steroids or other drugs.

And in the case of elite athletes, you're
not testing a particular training program.

Instead, you're looking at their current
condition, based on whatever workouts
they've done in the past.

I mean, seriously - is an Olympic athlete
or a pro-football player going to drop his
or her training program and start doing
a program the guy in the white lab coat
writes up?

I don't think so.

I think it's more likely that the athlete's
current strength coach would strangle
the guy in the white lab coat - and
that would be the end of the study.

In short:

The only way to test the program is
to give it a try yourself - and see how
it works for YOU.

In other words, conduct your own
research study.

And when you do - be sure to let me
know what happens - so I can share
your results with the Dino Nation!

Yours in strength,
Brooks Kubik

P.S. Go here to grab John Wood's Bone
Strength Project - and then grab my new
course on Heavy Partials:

The Bone Strength Project

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

Good luck and good training!

Friday, June 29, 2018

"What's the Point?" He Asked

Herman Goerner used several unique exercises that built his bone mass and bone strength - especially in his hands and arms - and his back - and he became one of the strongest men who ever lived.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Yesterday I sent you an email about
the important benefits of building
your bone strength, bone mass and
bone density.

I suggested two courses that are great
for building bone mass.

One is John Wood's Bone Strength Pro-
ject - which appears in Issue No. 4 of
The Train Hard Journal. You can find it

The Bone Strength Project

The other is my new course on Heavy
Partials - which is right here:

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

In response, many of you grabbed one
or both courses.

But several readers sent me emails
saying something to the effect of:

"Why do I need to follow a special
program to build my bones? Won't
regular training build enough bone

Okay, that's a fair question.

So here's the answer.

Regular training will build your upper
arms and make them stronger - but a
special arm training program will make
them even bigger and even stronger.

Regular training will increase your
strength in any lift or exercise  - but
a specialization program focusing on
that particular movement will increase
your strength in it even more.

In other words, regular training works
really well - but for maximum results,
you need a specialization program.

And remember this . . .

John Wood has been training hard,
heavy and serious for a very long

He closed the Captain of Crush No. 3
gripper when he was in high school.

He played NCAA Div. 1 football.

He's a very big, very strong man.

Has been for many years.

And he's been training for many years.

But even so, when John devised his
special Bone Strength Program - in
other words, when he specialized on
building bone strength, bone mass and
bone density - he increased his bone
mass very significantly - at close to
age 40, with almost 30 years of
regular weight training under his

That's the benefit of a specialization

No matter who you are and how long
you've been training, if you haven't
done it yet, you have a lot of untapped
potential for growth.

So as I said yesterday, give the program
a try. You won't believe the results.

And that goes double if you use the
Bone Strength Program for a couple of
months - and then my Heavy Partials
Program for a couple of months.

So grab both - and use them - and get
ready for some new and serious gains
in bone strength and bone mass.

Here are the links again:

The Bone Strength Project

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Building Your Bones

Paul Anderson did plenty of specialized training that built enormous bone mass and bone strength - and he ended up becoming the Strongest Man in the World.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

John Wood's Bone Strength project is
a specially designed course for building
your bones.

And it works pretty darn well.

John has the DEXA scans to prove it.

The program also increased his height.
Yep, there he is at age 39 - a former
NCAA Division 1 athlete - who's always
been pretty tall - and he starts growing
even taller.

His doctor couldn't believe it - but it

But that's just one of the cool things
about Bone Strength training. There
are many more.

Bone strength and bone mass are
important for many reasons.

For one, your maximum muscle mass
potential - meaning how much muscle
you can build - depends in part on your
bone mass.

A small increase in bone mass will
increase your potential for muscle
mass by six pounds.

In addition - increased bone mass
increases your testosterone levels.

Which of course helps the muscle-
building process.

And the strength-building process.

And does lots of other good things
for you.

And, of course, building your bones
will help make you a heck of a lot
more injury-proof than the average

My new course on Heavy Partials
is another great program to help
increase your bone mass.

And the two programs work pretty
well together. (I tell how to combine
them in my new course.)

So focus on building your bones - and
do it with these two programs:

The Bone Strength Project

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

Seriously, increasing your bone
mass can be a game-changer
for you. Go ahead and give it
a try.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Three Good Ones!

We've released three great new training guides this month - including this little monster.  Do you have all of them?

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

It's been a super busy month here at
Dino Headquarters.

We've released three great new products
for you:

1. The May-June Dinosaur Files

This issue ran late, so we did an extra-
big combined issue.

Feature articles include:

The Simplest Bodyweight Workout in
the World

The Deadlift from Hell

The Valhalla Challenge

Bob Hoffman's Favorite Training

Go here to grab the little monster:

2. Dinosaur Strength and Power
Course No. 1 - Strength-Style Arm

This is the first in a series of special
courses that give you detailed work-
outs and step-by-step instruction on
some of the best and most effective
training programs you'll ever see.

The goal is to give you a complete
encyclopedia of hard-hitting, super
effective workouts.

Course no. 1 covers Doug Hepburn's
old-school arm building workouts -
which build a perfect combination
of strength and muscle mass.

Arms that not only LOOK strong -
but ARE strong.

You can find this course right here:

3. Dinosaur Strength and Power
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

This is the second course in the new
Dinosaur Strength and Power series -
and it's a really good one.

It covers heavy partials - which are
one of the very best ways to build
strength and power.

They're also a tremendous bone-

And a tendon and ligament builder.

I gained 30 or 40 pounds on a very
similar power rack program many
years ago - and got so strong that
I won five National Bench Press
Championships in drug-free comp-
etition - so I know these methods

Go here to grab Dinosaur Training
Secrets - Course No. 1 - Heavy

A Very Big Thank You!

I want to close by saying THANK YOU
to everyone who grabbed one or more
of the new courses and the new issue
of The Dinosaur Files.

I really appreciate it.

If you have one or more of them, be
sure to shoot me an email and let me
know how you like it or them.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Heavy Iron at the Old York Gym

John Davis hits a heavy jerk - it looks like 400 or more pounds - at Muscle Beach. Davis used a Secret Weapon to build overhead strength when he trained at the old York Barbell Club Gym.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Back in the 1930's and 1940's, the old
York Barbell Club Gym on the second
floor of the Strength and Health build-
ing at 51 N. Broad Street in York, Pa.
was probably the most famous gym
in the world.

John Grimek trained there.

Steve Stanko trained there.

John Davis trained there.

Tony Terlazzo trained there.

All the York champions trained there.

And one of the things they did when
they trained was heavy partials.

It was so effective that they called it
"The Secret Weapon."

They rigged up two chains hanging
from the ceiling - and they used them
to do super heavy military press lock-
outs - and super heavy jerk supports.

Two men in particular worked extra
hard on these two movements.

One was John Davis.

The other was John Grimek.

Both men worked up to 800 or 900
pounds - sometimes even 1,000
pounds - on standing military press
lockouts and jerk supports.

Like John Davis, John Grimek did plenty of overhead supports and jerk lockouts with super-heavy weights while training at the old York Gym.

Just picture that.

Davis standing there with 800 pounds
locked firmly overhead.

Then Grimek does the same.

And then they add more weight to the
bar - pushing it up all the way to an
even 1,000 pounds - half a ton.

Davis became the greatest weightlifter
of his generation - and the strongest
man in the world, as witnessed by his
two Olympic gold medals in the Heavy-
weight class in weightlifting.

He also, by the way, once saved a man's

He was working in a garage. A jack
slipped and a co-worker was pinned
under a 3,00 pound truck.

Davis ran over - and shifted the truck up
and over just enough so they could pull
the man out from under it.

So yes, those heavy partials built some
serious strength.

Grimek won the Mr. America and Mr.
Universe titles - and was undefeated
in bodybuilding - and was undoubtedly
the top bodybuilder of his generation.

He was also no slouch in the strength
department. He set American records
in the military press - and even set two
unofficial World records in the press.

So there you have it.

The strongest man in the world - and
the top bodybuilder in the world - both
training on heavy partials.

I continue that tradition in my new
Dinosaur Strength and Power course -
which covers heavy partials - and gives
you three different workouts using them.

Go here to grab the little monster - and
train shoulder to shoulder with John Davis
and John Grimek:

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Another Dino Success Story

John Grimek is one of the greatest success stories in the history of the Iron Game - but we've had thousands of Dinosaurs with great success stories over the years. Here's one of the most recent ones.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Two quick notes, and then we'll talk

1. New Strength and Power Course!

I have a terrific new course - and I
think you're really going to like it -
especially if you're into:

Heavy iron.

Bone strength.

Tendon strength.

Ligament strength.

Maximum muscle mass.

Maximum muscular strength.

Hidden lat power.

Well. okay - maybe not hidden lat
power - but it covers the other stuff
in detail.

Go here to grab the little monster:

2. We Blew Up on Facebook.

I'm an admin at two Facebook Groups:

Strength Secrets

Dinosaur Training - Brooks Kubik

Over the weekend, we posted a ton of
stuff - and really got some discussion
and feedback going - and we kinda
blew it all up.

Feel free to join us - just head on over
and apply for membership - and be sure
to mention that you heard about it here.

I think you'll enjoy these communities
of like-minded Iron Slingers.

3. Another Dino Success Story

I wanted to share an email I received
the other day.

It's pretty darn good - and it's a great
reminder of what we can accomplish
with old-school, Dino style workouts:

Ten years ago, I trained heavy at least
three days a week. My occupation wasn't
physically demanding and I made great

Now I work building aircraft carriers and
my lifting has been hit and miss for long
periods of time.

Progress, then burnout and weakened
my immune system. Nagging injuries. 

And giving up.

Then I found your books and everything

Strength, Muscle and Power.

Dinosaur Training.

Knife Fork Muscle.

Gray Hair and Black Iron.

Now I'm making better, more consistent
progress in my late thirties than I did in
my early twenties!

And it's by training just once or twice
a week, using old-school progression
methods and cleaning up the way I eat.

I can't thank you enough for the knowledge
that has helped me keep doing what I love,
while getting older and working a physical
job. And I share what I've learned with
anyone that will listen!

Chris D.

Thanks for your feedback, Chris. It's good
to hear that Dino-style abbreviated training
has worked out so well for you - and that
you're doing so well on just one or two
workouts a week.

Keep it up - and keep me posted on your

To everyone else - as always, thanks for
reading and have a great day. If you train
today, make it a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Chris mentioned four books that really
helped him. You can find them right here
at Dino headquarters:

Strength, Muscle and Power

Dinosaur Training

Knife Fork Muscle

Gray Hair and Black Iron

P.S. 2. Thought for the Day:

"The answer is simple - which is why most
people never even try it."

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others:

Dinosaur Strength and Power - Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

I did an experiment with heavy partials 20 years ago - and added 27 pounds to my top push press in just TWO WEEKS. Here's the new PR - with 302 pounds - using my Christmas Tree barbell - note the chains tied to the end to get the total weight up over 300 pounds. 

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We launched course no. 2 in my new
series of Dinosaur strength and power
courses right before dinner last night -
and it's been a feeding frenzy ever

Meaning that Dinos around the world
have been grabbing the little monster
as fast as they can.

And that's great - because it's a really
good training course.

A big one, too. It weighs in at a whopping
36 information-packed pages.

It includes:

Three different workouts.


Tips on exercise performance.

Sets and reps.


How to combine the program with
John Wood's Bone Strength Training.

Fun stories about the history of the

Questions and answers.

And much more.

It's Big Medicine - and it can make
you seriously big - seriously strong -
and seriously powerful.

Go here to grab the course in PDF
format with immediate electronic

THANK YOU to everyone who has
grabbed a copy of the new course -
and to everyone who grabs a copy
of it today!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Monday, June 25, 2018

Here It Is - My New Strength and Power Course!

Taking 440 pounds for a ride in the partial push press in the power rack.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We just released course no. 2 in our
new series of Dinosaur Strength
Power courses.

This one covers heavy partials.

It gives you a complete guide to
training with heavy partials - and
heavy partials are one of the true
secrets of world class strength and

Partials do amazing things for you:

1. They build unmatched tendon and
ligament strength.

2. They increase your bone strength
and bone density enormously.

3. They help increase your muscle
mass - so much so that one top
lifter once referred to the power rack
as "the growing rack."

4. They help make your body strong,
hard, and injury-proof.

 5. They improve your posture.

6. They generate muscle building
hormones throughout your entire

7. They help build nerve force - and
develop the strongest possible mind-
muscle link.

And if you're an older trainee, take
note - some older trainees have found
that heavy partials are much more
forgiving than full-range movements.

The course gives you three different
workouts - detailed instruction on your
exercises - simple but effective guide-
lines on sets and reps - and an old-
school, slow cooking progression
systemthat works perfectly with
heavy partials.

I even cover one of the most common
questions people ask about heavy
partials - how to combine them with
John Wood's Bone Strength

It's a big course - 36 pages - with
photos - and it's available in PDF
format with immediate electronic
delivery - so you can order it, read
it, and get started right away.

Heck, you can order it right now -
and start training on the program

Here's the link:

Happy reading - and happy training -
and get ready for some great gains!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Check Out this Very Old Photo!

Here's a photo of me taken at age 59 or 60 - but if you want to see a much earlier photo from my powerlifting days, follow the link in today's Blog post!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I thought you might enjoy seeing an
old photo of yours truly - from way
back in the 1990's.

Yes, we really did have cameras back
then - we would rub two sticks together
to start a small fire to juice them up -
and we printed the photos on large
slabs of granite (or so my kids think).

Anyhow, it's me - in my early 30's -
when I was doing lots of powerlifting
and bench press comps - and before
I wrote Dinosaur Training.

I had gained 20 pounds of muscle
on a power rack program (which is
detailed in Strength, Muscle and
Power). I weigh somewhere around
200 or 205 pounds.

Heck, I'm even wearing my good
luck sweatshirt - which I wore when
I warmed up for bench press

Worked pretty well because I won
five National Bench Press champ-

Anyhow, go to our Kindle page to
see the photo - click on the cover
of issue no. 3 of The Dinosaur Files
Quarterly when it pops up - and
then scroll past the Table of Con-
tents - and you'll see the photo.

Hope you enjoy it - and don't
laugh too hard at the 90's style
haircut and the goggle glasses.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We're down to the very last
box of Strength, Muscle and
, and I'm not going to print
any more soon - perhaps not ever -
so if you want to know more about
that power rack program - and see
the exact program I followed to win
those five National Bench Press
contests - grab a copy now:

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Fast, Fun and Easy Reading for Dinosaurs!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We have over 25 Dinosaur Training
e-books in the Amazon Kindle store
now - including many back issues of
The Dinosaur Files newsletter, and
we're adding more as fast as we can.

Here's a list of some of our top sellers:

1. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 1.
"Exercises, Workouts and Training

2. Dinosaur Training Secrets, Vol. 2,
"How Strong Are You?"

3. The Training Secrets of John

4. The Dinosaur Military Press and
Power Course

5. The Doug Hepburn Strength and
Muscle Building

And here's a link for the rest of them - as
in, all 25 of them:

These are a great way to set up a portable
strength training library, so that you can
read about the Iron pretty much anywhere
and everywhere.

Note: You do NOT need a Kindle reader
to enjoy these great books and courses.

Amazon offers a free app that let's you
read Kindle books on any device.

You can find the app on every sales
page for every book in the Kindle

So go check them out - and let your
fingers do the walking!

Happy reading!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

Rainy Day Workouts at Dino Headquarters

The Rainy Day workout area at Dino Headquarters.

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Three quick updates, and then we'll talk

1. Pruning the List

I'm going to be pruning the Dino email
list in  a couple of days.

I'll try to delete only those email addresses
that don't appear to be active accounts.

But there are many emails to review, and
I'm sure I may make some mistakes.

If I delete you from the list but you still
want to receive the daily emails, please
sign back up at my website.

2. The May-June Dinosaur Files

It' s a terrific issue - jam-packed with
helpful training tips and workouts.
Articles include The Simplest Body-
weight Program in the World - The
Valhalla Challenge - The Deadlift
from Hell - and Bob Hoffman's
Favorite Workout.

Go here to grab the little monster:

3. The John Wood Report No. 4

John Wood just released this - and it's
very good - so be sure to grab a copy.

This issue includes articles on stone
lifting, sledge hammers, smashing
thru sticking points, a conditioning
workout from 1862, tips from Steve
Stanko and John Grimek, bench
press training, and a really tough
and effective arm training program.

4. Rainy Day Workouts

My current training quarters are about
as basic as they come.

We live in an old house in the Highlands
section of Louisville - which has been
converted to two living units. We rent
the top floor. It's the perfect size for
the two of us.

The basement has a washer and dryer,
amd not much else, so I keep my bar-
bells, plates, Trap bar,  and squat stands

One of the barbells is an Eleiko bar that
I take outside and use for Olympic lifting.
I don't use it for squats because I don't
want to mess up the knurling.

I have a second barbell - a beater bar -
that I use for squats.

I also have a basic flat bench bench, and
a killer set of dumbbells that a friend gave
me. They're adjustable, so I can load them
to whatever I want.

The ceiling is very low, so if I want to
do overhead lifting I need to set up
shop outside - meaning that I lay some
1/2" heavy rubber stall mats down on
the driveway and lift there.

Works fine if you don't drop the weights,
and I don't drop them. I grew up in the
days of iron plates, and we never dropped
the bar. The high school coaches would
have killed us.

I also have a power rack. It doesn't fit
in the basement, so I put it outside.

So I really have two places to train - the
basement, and the drive-way.

Trudi has three. She also sets up shop
in the living room, using dumbbells, kettle-
bells, and rubber cables.

I do some things upstairs, as well, but
not anything heavy. Mainly stretching and
mobility work, so I don't count it as a
real training area.

It's been raining a lot over the past week,
so I've been dodging the storms and trying
to train in-between cloudbursts.

I mistimed it one day. Just as I was starting
my first set on the rubber mates in the drive-
way, it started to sprinkle.

I quickly moved everything into the base-
ment - which was a good thing, because
it started pouring for real.

And I had a great workout. It was a squat
day, and they work just as well inside as
they do outside.

Squats are squats no matter where you
do them.

Yesterday it rained in the afternoon, but
then the sun came out and started to dry
things off - so I went outside to train.

I had planned to do pull-ups on the power
rack, but of course the bar was pretty wet -
but that wasn't a problem - it's what towels
are for.

So I wiped the bar dry and did six fast super-
sets of pull-ups and one-arm dumbbell bench
presses - followed by other fun stuff with the

And I had another great workout.

I prefer to train outside, but it all depends
on the weather - and that's okay.

Weather happens. I can't control it. But no
matter what the weather is like, I can have
a fun, challenging, effective and result-
producing workout.

And fun, challenging, effective and result-
producing is the name of the game.

Of course, you're a Dino - so you already
know that - and you live it every time you

As always, thanks for reading and have a
great day. If you train today, make it a
good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Chapter 14 of Strength, Muscle and
Power covers home gym training in detail -
and the other 28 chapters cover tons of other
topics - rest pause training, power rack
workouts, abbreviated workouts,sandbags,
barrels, finishers, heavy awkward objects,
grip training, specialization programs,
tendon and ligament strength, and much

Go here to grab the little monster:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"It's all good and it all works - you just
have to knuckle down and train on a
regular and consistent basis."

- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: