Sunday, June 24, 2018

Check Out this Very Old Photo!

Here's a photo of me taken at age 59 or 60 - but if you want to see a much earlier photo from my powerlifting days, follow the link in today's Blog post!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

I thought you might enjoy seeing an
old photo of yours truly - from way
back in the 1990's.

Yes, we really did have cameras back
then - we would rub two sticks together
to start a small fire to juice them up -
and we printed the photos on large
slabs of granite (or so my kids think).

Anyhow, it's me - in my early 30's -
when I was doing lots of powerlifting
and bench press comps - and before
I wrote Dinosaur Training.

I had gained 20 pounds of muscle
on a power rack program (which is
detailed in Strength, Muscle and
Power). I weigh somewhere around
200 or 205 pounds.

Heck, I'm even wearing my good
luck sweatshirt - which I wore when
I warmed up for bench press

Worked pretty well because I won
five National Bench Press champ-

Anyhow, go to our Kindle page to
see the photo - click on the cover
of issue no. 3 of The Dinosaur Files
Quarterly when it pops up - and
then scroll past the Table of Con-
tents - and you'll see the photo.

Hope you enjoy it - and don't
laugh too hard at the 90's style
haircut and the goggle glasses.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We're down to the very last
box of Strength, Muscle and
, and I'm not going to print
any more soon - perhaps not ever -
so if you want to know more about
that power rack program - and see
the exact program I followed to win
those five National Bench Press
contests - grab a copy now: