Thursday, June 14, 2018

More Spartan than Ever!

The outdoor lifting area at Dino Headquarters is as Spartan as it comes - but it's a great place to train!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

A quick heads-up and then we'll talk

The Dinosaur Files should be coming
out later today or tonight. I'll send an
email when it's ready.

We're running a bit late, so this will be
a combined May-June issue - an extra
big issue, with some killer workouts -
including a special challenge workout
that I know you're going to want to

It comes from far away and long ago,
and you do it with - well, heck, I won't
spoil it for you.

But you're gonna love it!

On the training front . . .

I started out training at home, with a
basic barbell and dumbbell set.

I trained in my bedroom.

As you can imagine, it was pretty

Over the years, I've trained in many
different places - but I've spent the
most time (by far) in a basement or
garage gym.

They were all similar - nothing fancy -
pretty Spartan - basic but functional.

But last night's workout was in a gym
that was about as Spartan as they

It was the outside training area here at
Dino Headquarters.

I set up two 4 x 4 squares of 1/4" rubber
matting on the concrete drive in back of
our garage, rolled out the dumbbells, and
I was ready to go - in the most Spartan
gym you ever saw.

But Spartan was all I needed.

I stretched, loosened my shoulders,
chalked my hands and got going.

It was 90 degrees with high humidity,
and there's no AC when you train out-
side, so it was hot.

Darn hot.

I trained pretty much non-stop for 90
minutes, and probably lost about 4 or
5 pounds during the workout.

And that was with drinking plenty of
water - as in, going through my stain-
less steel water bottle not once but
twice - for a total of 34 ounces of
clear, cold, and much needed water.

I did swings, cleans, presses, squats,
rowing, and a ton of other things.

By the time I finished, my shirt was
completely soaked, my hair was matted,
my glasses were covered in sweat so bad
I could hardly see, and I looked like I had
been training outside in a rain storm.

But I felt great.

I put the mats and the dumbbells away,
closed and locked the garage door, and
headed upstairs for a long, cold shower
followed by dinner and plenty of water.

Trudi looked up as I walked inside.

"Looks like you had a good one,"
she said.

And she was right.

Spartan workouts are always good.

As always, thanks for reading and have
a great day. If you train today, make it
a good one!

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. We're down to the very last box of
Strength, Muscle and Power - and I'm
not going to reprint it any time soon -
perhaps not ever - so if you want a
copy, grab it now:

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are right
here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"It's not what you have or where you
train - it's HOW you train that counts!

-- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: