Friday, July 27, 2018

Going - Going - Almost Gone!

Hail to the Dinosaurs!

We're down to the very last box of 
Strength, Muscle and Power -
and I'm not going to do another
printing anytime soon - perhaps
not ever -so if you want a copy,
grab it now.

It's a great training book, with
tons of workouts - and chapters

Abbreviated Training

Ultra-Abbreviated Training

Grip Training

Sandbag Training

Barrel Lifting

Power Rack Training

Specialization Programs

Powerlifting Workouts

Rest Pause Training

Home Gym Training


Thick Bars and How to Use

A Special program for Tendon
and Ligament Strength

And much more.

29 chapters - 356 pages - and so
many hard-hitting workouts I can't
count them.

If you want me to sign your book
for you, just ask for a signature.

There's no charge for an autograph -
it's an honor to be asked for one.

But, as I said, we don't have many
copies left, and when they're gone,
that's it - so if you want one, grab it

Strength, Muscle and Power

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik