Thursday, July 5, 2018

Will this Training Program Work?

World and Olympic Champion John Davis hitting a heavy split snatch. Amazingly, Davis was almost completely self-trained - and often trained alone, with no coach or training partners, even when he was the top weightlifter in the world. 

 Hail to the Dinosaurs!

Let me give you 12 different workouts
and ask the same question for each:

"Will this work?"

Read through the list and decide what
you think.

1. Training your legs by walking up many
flights of stairs while carrying dumbbells
or kettlebells - or while carrying a training
partner on your back - and not doing any
heavy squats.

a. As in - no heavy squats ever.

2. Training your deadlift by doing five
low rep or single rep sets, working up
to a heavy weight for one rep - and
doing it five days a week.

3. Doing 100 power cleans with a barbell
loaded to your own bodyweight - and 100
pull-ups - every single day.

4. Doing 1,000 pushups every day.

5. Squeezing a bag of sand or a bag of
grain between your legs to devleop leg

6. Training your bench press once a week
for five to seven progressively heavier
singles - and doing nothing but bottom
position bench presses.

7. Training to be a World and Olympic
weightlifting champion - and hitting the
iron for just 60 to 90 minutes three times
a week.

a. Or four times a week.

8. Training 3x a week - and doing 6 to 10
exercises for one set each - to momentary
muscular failure on every set - using a
combination of free weights and machines.

9. Doing nothing but heavy partials in the
power rack - or heavy supports in the
power rack.

10. A program where you do two-dumbbell
squats and push a football blocking sled -
and do nothing else.

11. Doing one set of 12 to 15 reps in 15 or
20 different exercises - using perfect form -
and training 3x a week, using total body

12. Doing one exercise 2x a week - with
many sets of low reps - working up to
heavy singles - and focusing on that
one exercise for several months at a

a. Which means you're doing the exact
same workout every time you train - for
several months - with no changes other
than increasing the weight on the bar
whenever you can.

Will any of these programs work?

I'll tell you tomorrow - and yes, you
may be surprised at the answer.

Yours in strength,

Brooks Kubik

P.S. Here are some great courses that
focus on old-school training methods -
the kind that have been proven over
and over again by trainees like you
and me:

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 1 - Strength Style
Arm Training with Doug Hepburn

A complete - and brand new - training course
that teaches you how to build strong, powerful,
and muscular arms - using the training methods
of the legendary Doug Hepburn.

The Bone Strength Project

John Wood's unique program for building
your bones in order to increase your
potential for maximum muscle mass.

Dinosaur Strength and Power -
Course No. 2 - Heavy Partials

Another way of building your bones -
and strengthening your tendons and
ligaments - a must read for anyone
interested in maximum strength and

The May-June Dinosaur Files

Feature articles include:

The World's Simplest Bodyweight

The Deadlift from Hell

The Valhalla Challenge

Bob Hoffman's Favorite Training

P.S. 2. My other books and courses are
right here at Dino Headquarters:

Hard-copy and PDF


P.S. 3. Thought for the Day:

"Some things work better than others,
but many things work very well - and
no one thing works best for everyone."

-- Brooks Kubik


We have more than 25 Dinosaur Training books and courses in the Kindle bookstore - here are several of them - head on over and take a look at the others: